Boomer – 2 year old Springer Spaniel

Boomer – 2 year old Springer Spaniel

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Boomer – 2 year old Springer Spaniel

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    This extremly nervous little guy needs a foster home as soon as possible. Anyone who was in Ashton walking the dogs this weekend will have seen him cowering away in the corner of his crate. Marie has taken him but can only hold onto him for a night or two as she has a full house with her own 7 plus 2 current fosters and 1 houseguest.

    If you can help please contact Kathy Doyle asap – 086 3696413.


    I dread to think wat this guy has been thro. Iv never seen sure fear in a dog. :cry: I hope someone can give the commitment to help build this lil fellas trust! He deserves a chance in life to be loved.


    Im going to be taken this lovely fella in on tuesday r before then if needed. this poor little fella will be given all the love and affection that he obviously never recieved before coming into the hands of DID. He will have all the one on one attention that he needs. Cant wait to meet him :D


    Well Boomer is very lucky to be fostered by you Belinda, Kenny will be happy to have his company too.


    Well the lovely Kenny has found his forever home and is going to it 2morrow. So Lilly will have Boomer all to herself, she loves all these snuggle buddies. Lilly is so quiet you would hardly even know shes is there, so Boomer will get plenty of T.L.C


    Sorry for taking up Boomer’s post space, I am so happy for Kenny. Such fantastic news. Thanks


    I collected the handsome Boomer (who I will start calling Bobby at home- named for the Olympic bobsleds -GO Ireland! ). This poor little guy is so timid he slithered across the lawn on his belly when we reached the house but Im hopeful that Max, Adam and Ribery can work their magic. Already Boomer(ang) Bobby follows them in and out of the house and all four spent quite a lot of time in the back garden. Im such a lazy gardener that my shrubs are all overgrown and he seems to like walking around behind the shrubs and through them. I think he’d like to play ball but Max isnt great at dropping anything and he appropriates toys and keeps them on his bed. So Boomer will have to come up with some winning strategies. My son has my camera so I cant post photos until the weekend but I’ll let you all know how he progresses this week.


    How lovely that you have taken Boomer/Bobby into your home. I remember him scared and huddled in a corner in Ashton. I am sure he will come out of himself soon and teach Max that he has to start sharing his toys.


    The update on Boomer is that he is continuing to come out of his shell shock. We have been going to the park behind the house where he trots along without his lead and if he is feeling anxious he turns around and trots back to the gate. I have only taken him on the lead once and that was a disaster with him repeatedly collapsing like a deflated balloon onto the footpath and me trying to get him to stand again. I had to carry him across the road to get back home- but that was a couple of days ago and we are now just hanging out in the park. He isnt a great eater, but he loves his chicken and ham and potato. Mixed signals between me and my husband meant that the animals were fed dinner twice tonight and he ate both dinners so that was good as he is very thin still. He needs work with housetraining. Despite his horrible start little Boomer (Bobby) has a sweet nature, a bit cheeky, and gets along just fine with our cat.


    OK – so this is more Max than Boomer (Bobby) but they were in constant motion. Isnt Max’s coat shiney??

    I couldnt believe my luck when Boomer was just standing still for one nanosecond so I just took the photo even though he looks a bit pensive.

    Boomer should be looking happier as he just snatched the Kong Wubba off of Max. This guy is slowly putting on some weight. he is still very thin but his digestive system seems to be normalising. He has met some other dogs in the park and even ran after a football. He doesnt run after balls that are thrown – I have to roll the ball and he goes after it. Maybe he is smarter that the Springer Spaniel who chased a bird off the cliffs of Dover the other day – I heard the dog fell 300 feet into the sea but lived to tell the tale. I think Boomer would have wisely weighed the pros and cons. He’s a gentle little soul.


    As soon as I posted that Boomer Bobby’s digestion seemed to be improving he was hit by the runs and despite rice, potato, imodium, flat 7up… he’s still not right so its complan chicken flavour for the next 48 hours. This poor baby!! He is so sweet and gentle and soft- he just does not deserve this. He went on a short walk on the lead last night and only hit the ground once. Keep your fingers crossed for this little guy.


    Little Boomer Bobby has been with us for 3 weeks now and he is really coming on – much more spring in his step. He loves his trot around the park and even runs at times. yesterday he found a bird wing and carried it around looking very happy. Today he found a feather shuttlecock and had some fun with that. He loves to have something to play with – a tennis ball, the cat’s dish etc. I tend to talk to him in what I hope is a nice sweet sounding voice and that keeps him happy. Some tones of voice and some hand actions get a cowed reaction. He loves to be out on the cul de sac trotting around and checking out the gardens but he is very wary of the lead – it seems to frighten him or maybe its the thought of walking down the road with traffic close by. He needs some rehabilitation on that front. Another step forward has been that he is digesting his food better- Kathy you will be happy that the latest ‘poo report’ is good. I think this has helped him with the toilet training and we have had NO accidents in the house for days now. So progress on many fronts!
    He’s a little diamond in the rough. He is really lovely and his white coat just shines in the moonlight.


    Well done Liv – thats great news :D


    Boomer needs foster for 9 days as his foster family are going on holidays, from Fri 12th to Sat. 20th March. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    Boomer Bobby came home with me yesterday evening. Poor little guy had been in the vets over the weekend but is doing so well now. When I met him first he dropped to the ground and just wasnt interested in saying hello :( but once I got him home and he had met our 2 (Monty & Kula) and our other foster Faith (Staffie) he seemed to come out of his shell and relax a little.
    He ate all of his dinner and his breakfast this morning as well. He latched quite quickly onto us and adores cuddles and kisses. Boomer Bobby had great fun with the others in the garden this morning and chased the ball around for a little bit.
    He has the most curious expression on his face and there is definitely a little cheekiness in there! :)

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