Boo aka Junior – Border Collie Pup

Boo aka Junior – Border Collie Pup

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    This lovely boy went into foster today –


    This little pup is an absolute sweetheart, he’s settled right in and is a pleasure to have around. He didn’t have a name when I collected him from the pound so I’ve actually called him Boo. He loves meeting new people and is very friendly and quite confident. He’s not housetrained but he’s a smart little cookie so I don’t think it will take long. I’ll try to post some pictures we took this evening.



    Boo’s doing great, he’s younger than I thought originally, only about 3 months old so still really fuzzy:-) He’s good on the lead and comes back whenever he’s called, I think he’s getting to know his name. He’s a fairly quiet little pup but he barks at his own reflection in the window which is so cute! He’s really affectionate and comfortable with strangers. He’s quite the jumper, when he’s outside and I’m at the sink washing dishes every now and then I see his little black and white face appearing at my window as he leaps into the air to catch my attention. Very bouncy, energetic little boy who spends hours playing with his toys. He’s also great with kids and other dogs, really playful.


    Boo’s getting on great, he’s a big hit with everyone in the park and all my friends who meet him want to take him home. I’m training him to spend time in the crate at the moment, he’s doing great, was a bit reluctant at first but he’s settled down into it now, he’s chewing away contentedly on a toy and making the strangest noises :D His house training is coming along really well, still a few accidents at night but not for a while now during the day. I think he’d make a brilliant agility dog, i snuck him into the playground when there were no kids and we played jumping through hoops and walking on the little seesaw, he had a ball! I’ll get some more pics up this week.


    Boo’s found his forever home and he’s moving there tomorrow :) I’ll really miss him, so will his fan club in the local park. He’s just been such a fantastic, intelligent, affectionate bundle of energy, he will be well loved in his new home.


    Boo (now Harry of Potter fame!) is officially the coolest dog ‘in the whole world’ according to his newest biggest six-year-old fan. I will try to post some photos of him soon. Thanks to everyone involved in bringing this great little fella into our lives. He is very much part of the family (we haven’t told the cats yet – they still think he is just visiting!). There are significantly more children living on our road than I knew about – I am sure of this as they now spend all of their time in my garden playing with Harry and training him to use the swings and slides – he also partook in an inpromptu water-fight yesterday. He is just a fabulous little guy and we are thrilled to have him. :D


    Glad to hear he’s settling in. He’s a gorgeous dog!


    Brilliant, he’s such a fantastic little dog, he made me laugh so much :D Delighted to hear how much fun he’s having with the family, it’s lovely to get updates, thanks sheila!


    A quick update on Harry – after giving us several frights with his jumping antics we took advice from the expert (aka Suzi) and he is now only a frantically jumpy dog – as opposed to the neurotically jumpy dog he was previously!!! :lol:

    He will be going to school in Swords! Hoping to make it to agility classes there with him next weekend. We were on hols for the last two weeks and my brother moved in to mind him – sent us some fab photos of Harry being a ‘dawg’ in the dunes at Dollymount – must learn how to post them. I could not believe the kids’ reactions – or Harry’s reaction – when we got home today – they were thrilled to see each other! It did not take him long to become an integral part of the chaos!

    He’s a happy little guy and we’re delighted to have him.

    When desperately seeking help with the jumping I scanned the site manically for suggestions – HUGE thanks to whoever suggested the water spray (in a totally different post) – in addition to Suzi’s suggestions it has been a life saver.


    Woo hoo :D another agility dog – dying to meet Harry. Won’t be there next weekend but will see you the following Friday and Saturday :lol: Ellie’s thrilled – that’s another one for the DID agility team :lol:


    in estuary kennels :)


    Estuary Kennels of course- no point in letting all that jumping go to waste Harry :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    i will b looking 4ward 2 seeing his antics :) thats if i can get up…..its getting harder :)


    We went to school this morning – he adored it! He is exceptionally clever – I, however, am exceptionally thick! ;) I kept confusing him with mixed messages and flapping hands syndrome.

    He was flying through the tunnels – great on the A frame – not so fantastic on the jumps (but that was entirely my fault) – and he absolutely loved it. And it was his first time!

    John suggested that his agility training would benefit from some obedience training :lol: – so we will join the next available course which does not start until September (all full til then).

    He also got his first ever pig’s ear today (GROSS!!) – but he was delighted.

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