Bono – Rottweiler x

Bono – Rottweiler x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Bono – Rottweiler x

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  • #77274

    Name: Bono

    Reference Number: 4

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: NOW

    This boy is very very nervous. :cry:


    Ah bless him. Was he a stray or surrender? Just looking at him makes me wish I could take him home & give him some TLC.


    Most probably a surrender, his date out reads NOW, if he was a stray he’d have a date here i.e. owners are given five days to reclaim their dog otherwise they can be adopted


    Not all surrenders are given 5 days as DID try to get them into homes in either foster or forever homes. I would love to take him but with 3 rottis myself I have no room unfortunately. Please if anyone has space to foster him please do so as rottis are the most friendly, gentle dogs you can meet regardless of the usual stuff you hear about them. I will put the feelers out to see if anyone has space for him

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