Bonnie – Lab x Collie – HOMED

Bonnie – Lab x Collie – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bonnie – Lab x Collie – HOMED

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    This beautiful girl was due be put to sleep in the pound :( . Thankfully Sheryl has taken her into foster and will update soon ;) She will be wormed, vaccinated, neutered & microchipped before going to her forever home :)
    28 November Kellie Collie Female Young Adult 1st Photo.jpg.JPG


    When we picked up Bonnie from the pound she was very nervous but looked very healthy otherwise. She endured the trip in the car very well, but was nervous still and needed to have personal contact pretty much the whole trip. But she didn’t get sick and settled down a few times. When we got her home she pretty much stuck beside us the whole time, seeking reassurance and closeness. She gobbled her food down in record time.

    We let her out practically every half hour or so and while she enjoyed being out didn’t do her business at all. She was left in the bathroom with a new bed and was very quiet the whole night. However, she slept on a rug instead of the bed. Its taken us 3 nights to get her to start using her bed but she seemed to like it now. She hasn’t messed the bathroom floor at all. However, that second day she did leave us a big surprise in our bedroom and that was after taking she out many times during the day. We have gotten her to pee outside but she seems a little reluctant to do anything else outside. Obviously, we’re working on that. She is very good in the house otherwise and its only been the two times that she has left us to clean up. She doesn’t chew on anything or destroy anything at all. But she is very clingy and needs to know where we both are all the time. I’m sure this will change when she knows we aren’t going to leave her and we’re there to give her lots of hugs and pets. Bonnie will benefit from training because she is extremely bright and seeks approval all the time. She’ll sit most times you tell her, she lays down if you say down, stay–she’ll sit and creep up to you. She never begs from the table when you are eating but lies on the floor nearby. We do not allow her in the kitchen so she’ll sit in the dining room.

    She just doesn’t want to be left on her own. Once she is settled into her home, this shouldn’t be a problem I would think.


    Any word on this girly??? She looks super sweet! Very like my own dog Lola.


    This beautiful girl has stolen her foster families hearts and is not changing address :D :D


    That’s great news! Congratulations to Bonnie and her forever foster family! ;)


    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! This is FANTASTIC news!!!!!!!!! I’m so so happy for her, she is so cute!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D


    :D That is indeed great news. Beautiful dog, very gentle looking eyes. Once she knows that she is part of the pack she will blossom into the great dog I have no doubt she is ;)

    DID Rescue

    Great news for Bonnie. :)
    It’s so good to think that while she was unfortunate enough to find herself in a Pound complete with a sell by date that it will all be a distant memory never to be repeated.
    She now has the chance to be loved and looked after………all she ever wanted I am sure ;)
    Best of Luck to all.


    This Bonnie lass was visiting us here recently and she was a pleasure to mind.
    Last up the climb

    Surveying all that she climbed!!!!

    Just look at the Sheen

    2012-02 Doggies 007.JPG
    2012-02 Doggies 008.JPG
    2012-02 Doggies 010.JPG


    Bonnie is on holidays with us again and she is so easy to mind…..

    Looking down over Dublin.

    She is such a happy dog and bounds around on our hikes…

    2013-02 My 40th Celebrations 028.JPG
    2013-02 My 40th Celebrations 027.JPG


    Bonnie is with us for a small holiday and she still isn’t a bother to have around even with 4 other dogs…

    She still hates having her photo taken but I got just a sly one

    photo (1).JPG

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