Bond – Tibetan Terrier x

Bond – Tibetan Terrier x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bond – Tibetan Terrier x

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    Well the lovely Alfie has settled in really well. There does’nt be a peep from him now at night time, he just snuggles into his bed and goes asleep. He is a real pet. He loves his walks, doesnt pull on the lead and is very friendly to every person and doggie we meet on our travels. He has kennel cough :( at the moment but im given him stuff for that so should be fine in a few days. He is a very quiet dog in the house and when i but him out the back to do his business he never barks to come back in, he will sit a the door very patiently until i open it. So basically this dog will be a PERFECT companion for someone and will be there best friend. great with children and other dogs. if you have a treat for him he will sit and give the paw without me even asking him to. So so obedient and just wants to please. i will defo miss this guy when he leaves.


    This is one of Alfies sleeping places under the kitchen table :P


    he is adorable u r doing great work with him, my parents are awaiting adoption approval form DID at present, looking at sam, belinda and alfie at present as they seem to be the most suitable for them

    i presume hes okay with other dogs since u have ur own, how do u think hed b with a cat? not major issue now its just id b minding him if need be and i have one so just wondering.

    well done again on the good work, the video of him talking to u is so cute



    If Alfie is still available I’d love to take him


    Would love to adopt Alfie


    Yes alfie is stil available for adoption. U wil have to fil out an adoption form on the site and then wait for a home visit. And if all goes well we can arrange for u to meet alfie.


    Thanks for that. Have made the application. Any idea how long it will take to process?


    it doesnt take that long, as we are all volunteers that do this, most of the people that do the home visits have their normal jobs to go to every day so they will definitely get out to see you when they can. It shouldnt take that long.


    Thanks for all the help. Look forward to the assessment and hopefully being able to give Alfie the home he deserves


    All i can say about Alfie is….WOW. This guy is gona make someone really really happy. If i won the lotto and got a bigger house, Alfie would be staying with me. I dont know wat life he had before and why he was surrended because this guy is a gent. He has great manners and is very obedient. He is the perfect dog, thats all i can say. whoever adopts Alfie is gona get a lifelong companion.


    I’m still waiting to hear from someone about the home assessment. Really would love to take Alfie and give him the home he so deserves


    Hi Case65, where are you living, not the exact address but area??!!


    good luck with assessment, we think Bond would be lovely for us aswell but will wait behind case65 :)


    Hi Belinda,
    I’m still waiting to hear about a home visit, hopefully soon. Was just wondering if Alfie or Buddy have any special requirements?


    Hi Belinda, Looks like it could be next week sometime before I have the assessment, but would really still love to take Alfie. Will that wait time be a problem for you?

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