Bobby – ref 441 – Terrier X – approx 6 yrs HOMED

Bobby – ref 441 – Terrier X – approx 6 yrs HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bobby – ref 441 – Terrier X – approx 6 yrs HOMED

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    Bobby has been adopted by my mother, and he has been living with her since early December, and he has settled in just fine. He is a lovely quiet boy, who is a great companion for an older person, and they are enjoy each others company. Bobby follows Mom everywhere, and he gets to spend most of his time on the couch in the kitchen – or the couch in the living room – which suits him just fine!!

    On Christmas day the house was full of people – as all Mom’s children and grandchildren came to visit – over 30 people in all – but Bobby took it in his stride, and even managed to grab a little nap amid the mayhem… and of course to pick up a titbit or too! Here are some pictures of our Bobby.
    Bobby 1.JPG
    Bobby 2.JPG
    Mom and Bobby.jpg


    Here are another couple of pictures of Bobby on Christmas day – having a nap, looking for titbits, and one with my brother who was visiting for Christmas – and who Bobby adores!
    Bobby asleep.jpg
    Bobby begging.jpg
    Bobby and a new friend.JPG

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