Bobby – ref 386 Pom x – approx. 2yrs*HOMED*

Bobby – ref 386 Pom x – approx. 2yrs*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bobby – ref 386 Pom x – approx. 2yrs*HOMED*

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    This little man is gone into foster with Yvonne who will update soon ;)


    Hi I collected Bobby from the pound. He is very friendly but initially a bit nervous. Seems to like being cuddled. He’s house trained it seems (so far anyway!). He hadn’t been eating, so I tried him with dried food and he wasn’t interested. I had some Pedigree wet food and he lapped that up.
    Very giddy when he gets going…seems to love other dogs, but my 2 are a bit wary still. I’ll let him settle before snapping photos of him. He is in desperate need of grooming.


    This is Bobby staying close to me as I work on the computer. He has settled in so well you’d think he lived here all the time! He’s very affectionate….would love a forever mammy????


    Well Bobby has his first night over and he was a very good boy. I kept him in my room to keep an eye on him and he slept and even scratched the door once to let me know he needed a piddle! I gave him a quick shower this morning to freshen him up. He is so placid with me – lets me do anything. I gave his coat a good brush and he’s looking (and smelling) better! He’s very nervous entering rooms – I have to carry him into a room.
    Also not used to glass – keeps barking at himself in the oven door and the back door!!


    This is Bobby giving a big smile for the camera. He’s eating well and doesn’t seem to have any problems after his ordeal. He is so friendly and skips with excitement. He doesn’t seem to like cuddly toys and he was a bit nervous playing ball in the garden. He just seems happy following me around and getting plenty of rubs and hugs. He likes having a little chew of the toy bone. We had a few friends in and out of the house today and he cuddled them all. He is quiet except when he sees his reflection and then he barks at himself. He’s going for a snooze now.


    Bobby has had his second night with me. I put him to bed in the room beside me last night but he cried. I gave him a while to settle but it wasn’t happening so I ended up taking him in with me. I think he had the best sleep ever (he never seems to sleep) as I heard him snoring! As you can see from the photo he seems to be settling as he had Mr Teddy and my sock in his bed when I woke up!


    Bobby’s personality is starting to appear now as he is starting to feel secure. Here he is with me on the couch playing with the cushions and then pretending to sleep! He is just happy to follow me around the house at the moment. I haven’t taken him out because the pound said he doesn’t like the lead. I am putting a lead on him and walking him around the garden to get him more comfortable with it. I think he has enough to take in at the moment and walkies will be for another day.


    Ah he is beautiful – they are gorgeous pics :)


    I love the photo’s too :D He is such a handsome fella and he looks so happy with his great foster family.


    Well poor Bobby has developed kennel cough. He was coughing yesterday but the honey in his food seemed to give him some relieve. Last night he was very bad coughing, so much so that he was being sick. He got no sleep at all. With Kathy’s permission Bobby went to my vet this morning. The good news is that his general health is good but he does have kennel cough. He got 2 jabs – one to stop the vomiting and one for the kennel cough. He was so good at the vet that she said to put up here that he is very vet friendly! He cried a little because the jabs sting, but didn’t snap at all. He is sooo placid. We’re home now and i’m trying to relax him and get him to sleep. No photos today as he’s had enough drama!


    Little update on Bobby:- already his cough is much better. He is a little lethargic but he had a rough night. No matter what though his tail never stops wagging – what a pet he is! We decided to have a duvet afternoon (it’s a hard life!) so Bobby went to his little bed and I got into mine, as he relaxes when I’m around, so he had a great sleep, and although he’s still coughing, it’s so much milder than last night. The vet said to give him chicken and rice to settle his tummy but the little devil ate all the chicken and left the rice! My two dogs were happy ’cause they got rice with their kibbles! We’re going to chill for the evening and hopefully have a good nights sleep tonight.


    He really is so gorgeous and how lucky he is to find such a lovely foster mammy. Hope he will be much better soon, that old kennel cough is such a nuisance. :)


    Bobby moved foster home yesterday. :cry: He was continually scared of my mam who uses a walking stick, so it was proving difficult to keep everyone separated. My mam loves dogs (we have 2) and tried very hard to make friends but Bobby was scared and would bark at her continually. He met male and female friends of mine and was full of wags and hugs. We don’t know Bobby’s history and why my Mam made him so nervous, but it was only fair to move him to a home where he loved everybody. I was upset but when I met Raj and his partner and their dog, I knew Bobby would settle right in. :D In fact us humans became invisible and all he wanted was to play with their Jack Russell. Happy life Bobby – I’ll watch this space and hopefully you’ll get your forever home. Bobby – what a beautifully placid and loyal dog. Miss you. xx


    Yvonne, you have done an amazing job with him in just a few short days.
    He is such a placid and playful little thing. Just adorable.
    He settled in very well. Its so funny watching him chase Jacky around! Its has always been the other way around!!! :lol:
    Jacky seems a little confused once the tables have turned! :D

    He slept well in the kitchen with Jacky the first night without issues. There was no pining or whining at all. Seems to be happy when left alone with a partner. So i would say he would be well suited for a home with a pal for him to play.

    Bobby is taking his queue from Jacky especially when the postman comes around!

    He is starting to eat some kibble but gets distracted very easily from his food. He is progressing very well daily.

    Bobby got his worming done yesterday. Will post some pictures soon!

    – Inga & Raj


    That’s great news. I felt he would love a playmate as he was totally distracted when he saw my 2 doggies. Unfortunately my Jack Russell at 14 years didn’t want to play chasing with him! My yorkie is unsociable at the best of times so I had kept them apart.
    I knew the minute I put him on the floor in your house that he was in his element with Jacky. Thanks so much for helping not only DID, but helping me when I couldn’t continue with the fostering.
    Enjoy Bobby – he’s a dote!

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