Bindi (aka Mylo) – Scottie x Tibetan Terrier

Bindi (aka Mylo) – Scottie x Tibetan Terrier

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bindi (aka Mylo) – Scottie x Tibetan Terrier

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    Her hair is growing back really quickly. She’s looking great!


    Hi All. Well Bindi is doing fantastic. Her hair is really growing. She is a very good girl and her and Roxy are glued at the hips. Roxy is like a new doggie and is teaching Bindi the tricks of the trade. Bindi has gotten the hang of the ball catching. They both sleep in the kitchen and not a peek from them till I get up in the morning. Bindi loves been brushed and is a very gentle girl. They both love been in the garden and spend most of the time out there sunning themselves and playing and snozzing on their blanket. They both hate the rain. Bindi is a very well mannered girl. They both are getting spayed on Tues morning. Bindi is a very good eater and is not fussy. She will eat anything. I have her on Eukanuba Junior and she loves it. I took a couple of pics of the pair of them in the garden today. Will keep you posted.




    DID Rescue

    Well Maura what can I say two dogs now :D :D .
    Well done to you Roxie looks great and the new inmate seems to be really catching up . Its really great having another dog to bring them on, it really speeds up the whole process.
    She is one lucky girl to have you as a foster mum she will get the best of everything and be back to the way she should have been in no time.
    Dont forget to tell them at the vets when she is under on Tuesday to finish the job on her legs.
    They will both be in recovery together feeling sorry for each other on Tue night :)
    Well done to you again they both look really happy.


    Hi all. Well my girls are just doing great. They have been spayed and have recovered and are back to normal. Bindi,s coat is now a shinny mass and she enjoys her brushing. The pair of them are inseperable and I dont think they would do very well apart so I,m putting out a request for them to be homed together if possible. They definetly need to have another dog as company for each other. As they are both young and active they both need a good excerise routine as they like to run free and play. They are both very sociable and brilliant with other dogs and kids and anything else that might happen to pass by. Roxy has a mind of her own and can have selective hearing when it suits. Off the lead they will not go far away from me and constantly check to make sure I,m still there. Bindi is very good on a lead and would not be as confident as Roxy. Roxy is a proper little Diva and of course the boss. Both are housetrained and I can go to work and they wait paitiently till I return. Both are adorable and very lovable and affecionate and adore their belly rubs. So I,m keeping my fingers crossed that someone out there takes a shine to both of them or that they both go to a home as a second dog. Just a little pic coming up of the pair enjoy the sunshine.Maura..


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