Bindi (aka Mylo) – Scottie x Tibetan Terrier

Bindi (aka Mylo) – Scottie x Tibetan Terrier

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bindi (aka Mylo) – Scottie x Tibetan Terrier

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    All spruced up and fed and watered.


    Roxy making sure she,s comfy.


    Yep, All is well.


    I can relax now and enjoy my bone.


    Thanks for the photo Maura and many thanks for giving this girl a warm foster home.


    Today was my first full day with Bindi as she is now called and her and roxy spent the day in the garden playing and snoozing. She is doing reasonably good. Last night She didn,t settle very well and Ihad to get up about 20 times during the night as she was crying alot. I resisted the temtation to take her into the bedroom as Roxy was quite happy to sleep in the living room which was a first for her since her babies went to their new homes. We went for a walk this morning and I took the pair of them to the park this evening and they had a great time. She doesn,t go far away from me at all and will come back when called. Did,t bother with other dogs only had eyes for Roxy. She doesn,t seem to have much training of any sort and I,m working on the sit and give the paw at the moment. The only thing she does right is to wait for me to go out the door first and in the side gate first. She had a few accidents last night so hopefully that is just first night nerves and some decent food. The pair of them are now sleeping in the one bed. I,m taking her to my vets in the norning for a full check up and to have her nails trimmed. Will keep you posted. Maura.


    Glad to hear that "Bindi" is doing so well! :) Lovely Dog!


    Bindi is gorgeous. Tilly our dog is definitely her sister she has the exact same face down to the red tinted beard and the white bit on her chin! We got her from the DSPCA 8 months ago and she is also around the same age. Where was Bindi found?

    pegleg peggy

    Whatever about Bindi, I’ve fallen in love with your Roxy! What a sweet, caring girl!

    Looking forward to hearing how Bindi gets on. Looks like she’s in good hands!


    Hi all. Thanks for the caring comments. Well where do I start. I took Bindi to my vets on thurs morning for a check up and she got wormed, vaxed, some flea treament and some pills for a slight touch of dermatitis. My vet says she is only 8 or 9 mnths old as she has just gotten her teeth and they are pearly white. She is coming on well and her and Roxy are as thick as thieves. Roxy spends half the day cleaning her and licking her bald patches. Ears eyes and everthing else gets a going over. She is alot more relaxed and gaining in confidence. She is a most gentle dog and very affecionate. She is very good on the lead and she has the most beautiful walk just like a horse doing dressage. She is a hungry little girl and she is a bit of a scavanger.She reminds me of an ally cat. She has had no accidents in the house since Wed and she is a fast learner. She now knows her name and to do sit. Last night was the first time the pair of them slept in the kitchen and me in my bed. I had been sleeping on the couch as she had been crying if I left the room so finally the breakthrough came. She loves been in the garden and I have a sneeky suspicion that that is where she spent most of her time. My ugly duckling will be a beautiful Swan soon. In the meantime I,ll just die of embarrasment walking through the park with her. You should see how easy it is to scatter some of the natives when they see her coming, I can only imagine what they are thinking. I have a few pics on the way for you.


    I don’t understand how anyone can let an animal get into the state she was in when you got her. What a life she must have lived already and still only a pup. Hope she finds a forever home soon.


    Hi again everyone. Well Bindi is coming on in leaps and bounds. No accidents in the house and her hair is starting to grow. She loves been brushed is enjoying her twice daily walks in the park with Roxy. We have got a routine going and she is catching on fast. I think she may have a touch of kennel cough as she started coughing slightly last night and again today so I,m off to the vets with her in the morning. Here are a few pics of the pair of them. Maura.




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