Billy – Emaciated Yorkie

Billy – Emaciated Yorkie

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Billy – Emaciated Yorkie

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    Poor Billy is approx 5 years old, hard to tell in his condition. He is skin and bone, and his teeth look in bad shape also. He is very friendly to all, really needs some TLC. Is there anyone who can please offer a foster home to this poor chap? :cry:
    If so, please contact Gwen asap.



    I have rang Gwen about this little guy and left a message, as I could take him for at least a few weeks and give him all the TLC he needs. I have a 2 year old friendly yorkie called Charlie and I fostered a puppy from DID last year but just havent been in a position to do so since. This would just break your heart :cry: My number is 0871250057



    Oh my god i feel so sorry for this little guy. im getting lilly back today and if all goes well ill foster this little guy if he and lilly get on.




    This little angel is now sorted :D Thanks so much to Martinc for doing the transport and Niamh his new foster mammy ;)


    picked this guy up today and once he got into the car, the tail was wagging and he was jumping all over the place. Never saw such skin and bones..honestly ! was so shocked but that did not knock this guys character one bit. I had to put him in the front seat as he was so desperate for affection and attention all the way to meet Niamh in Whitehall. THe little face just kept looking at me and I must admit I had to drive single handedly almost as he really sought closeness and was licking my hand all the way. A total so so glad he has found a great foster mum in Niamh..she has just texted to say he has had a bath and is getting on super with her yorkie charlie. So glad I could heart went out to this guy but rest assured he is no shrinking violet..has energy and zest for life..he is a survivor. Thank you Niamh for giving him a super lifeline. best of luck have been through enough..big hugs and so looking forward to the pics and progress.


    Another photo of this beauty. :D


    Well Billy the Beaut is staying with me :) . A huge thank you to Martina for transporting him to Whitehall for me, you’re so good. Well what can I say about this little man except he is a dream. And as Martina said, his little face looking up at you would melt the hardest of hearts. He is so so skinny that it would break your heart, my friend called over last night and when she saw how skinny he was she had tears in her eyes :cry: . I popped into the vets in Lusk with him on the way home and she said that he was about 6 or 7 and was extremely mal-nourished and emaciated. But this little guy is a trooper. My Yorkie Charlie is super friendly and I was afraid that Billy wouldnt be up to all the playing about but he is, he loves it, they really get on so well, its like they have known eachother all their lives :D . I have made a big pot of chicken and rice for Billy and Im feeding him little amounts often. He is staying with his foster Nanny (my mam) while I am in work as he needs to be fed alot throughout the day. And to see him scoffing his food down like he doesnt know when he’ll get any more is heartbreaking. Having said that, he has no food aggression issues whatsoever and he and Charlie were at one point eating out of the same bowl with no hassles at all. This guy is a cuddler too, he loves nothing more than a snooze on your lap, or to snuggle up on a blanket. I gave him a bath last night too, and he didnt know what to make of the hose, he kept trying to bite it, but not in an aggessive way at all, I think he just thought he was supposed to drink the water :lol: !! After his bath he dried off in front of the fire. I havent heard this guy bark once, he is such a relaxed little man. As he’s obviously been straying for some time the toilet training has to start at the beginning, and as he’s not neutered he has a habit of marking any new area he enters, but these are all things that can be fixed ;) . And when he is neutered it will help. I left him in the kitchen last night and was expecting him to cry, and if he did I was going to bring him up to my bed, but there wasn’t a word out of him, and he had peed on the paper I had left down for him too, which is a good start. I havent seen him around children yet but my nieces who are 8 and 5 will be over at the weekend so I will introduce him to them gradually, but I just cant see this man not taking to anyone who will cuddle him. I’m not great with putting the pictures up, but I will aks a friend to help me out with it and I will get it sorted, as this guy is far too cute not to show off. :)


    am so glad to hear that Billy has come on so much since last week. I was away at the weekend but was thinking of him and wondering how he was doing. Thanks again Niamh for giving this guy a much needed lifeline. Send me the pics and I will put them up for you if you wish..would love to see some.

    give him a big hug from me..x


    Well Billy is still getting on great ;) . I honestly cant say enough about this little man. He is so relaxed and just wants to be loved and snuggled. As long as he has enough to eat, his walkies, a few snuggles and a cosy bed to curl up in he is as happy as can be. My neices and nephews met this little guy at the weekend, their ages range from two to eight, and he was brilliant with them. My 8 year old niece fell in love with him and was carrying him around (under supervision of course!!). He’s like my shadow ad follos me around the houe just to be close to me, (and in case theres any spare treats going of course :P !!) This little man will rummage in any bag thats left in his reach, I think its from being a stray for so long, that this was how he looked for food, so while its funny to look at its sad when I think of why he’s doing it!! He spent the afternoon in Argillan Park yesterday and by the time we got home he was exhausted, just curled up on my lap and nodded off, and that was him for the evening. I havent even had him a week yet but I can see a little difference in his weight already, he is still very thin but gradually putting on weight, and he’s a great grubber so he’ll be back to full health in no time ;) . He is great with other dogs too and there hasn’t been as much as a growl between him and my yorkie Charlie … they get on great. I took some pics at the weekend and will bring my camera in tomorrow and thanks artina I will send the pics to you if you dont mind (as I havent a clue to be honest!!) :oops: .


    would be interested in billy. He looks gorgeous. Can someone contact me if he is still available. Have a cocker who love love a friend. Would also be available to help with transport if needed


    please fill out an adoption form available under forms and downloads if you are interested in adopting him.


    Some Pics of Billy at last ;)


    ah the poor pet..looks so much better but as you say a long way to go yet!! he still has the saddest face there..thanks again Niamh for all you are doing with him..he will definitely flourish with you and charlie…looks like they are great buddies!


    Hi its the McCarthy family in Lusk,
    I know we were looking out for a pup but we have fallen in love with Billy! We would love to give him a home. We passed our home visit a few weeks ago and have been waiting for the right dog to come along and we feel Billy is the one!
    Looking forward to hearing from you
    Suzanne & Family

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