Betsy – ref 512 – Terrier x – approx 3yrs.*HOMED*

Betsy – ref 512 – Terrier x – approx 3yrs.*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Betsy – ref 512 – Terrier x – approx 3yrs.*HOMED*

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    This little girl is gone into foster with Justine who will update soon:)


    :( :(


    Betsy is a 100% total and utter gem! Little dogs don’t come much better than this. You probably think this is a very gushing analysis from someone who has only known Betsy for less than 24hours – but I’ll fill you in…

    The first time we uttered the word "sit" Betsy sat like a bullet – and then, despite the tempting treat which was placed a little way away she "stayed" too. Impressive.

    She has such an enthusiasm for her walks she would make you laugh – she has a joie de vivre that is inspirational and infectious. She took her lead in her mouth and walked herself – hilarious.

    On the way around for her walk she met another little dog and wanted to play with him – so no issues there. Also my friend’s 3 year old came around later and petted her – and she sat quietly while he did – kid friendly?? So it seems! Check!

    In the evening we went to my mum’s house. I have a car seat belt/ halter for small dogs. Betsy happily wore it and looked out the window. So cute in her little doggie seat belt.

    She sometimes likes to sit by your feet, sometimes in her bed and sometimes at your side. She is a lovely little companion. In my mum’s house the dog is politely requested not to sit on the couch. Betsy lay beside us in her little bed without complaint. I said "she’s great – isn’t she mum?" – and my mum had to agree. "How long have you had her?" she asked – "less than a day!" unbelievable. Christmas visits to friends and relations…? Betsy can come along too.

    At the end of her day she went to bed without a peep – I mean no complaints whatsoever. She stayed downstairs as requested. She did a couple of little barks in the early hours – and I thought – here we go… but no! There were some rowdy people out on the street and she was protecting the house! Good girl Betsy!

    So there you are – she is just brilliant.


    Betsy is back with us for a couple of days – our elderly cat became very sick before Christmas (she sadly since passed away, RIP lovely Liath) and Christine and Shane stepped in to provide an alternative foster home for Betsy. So when we were asked to look after Betsy while they were away I was delighted to have the opportunity to help out. I love spending quality time with lovely little Betsy. She is happy and content here sitting on the couch beside me as I type.

    So here are a couple of my latest pics…I have entitled the first one "One Day Pound- Next Day Lounge" – which sums up the Dogs in Distress foster based approach quite nicely I think :P The next photo just shows what a beautiful little dog Betsy is. Hope you like them.


    Justine – sorry to hear your cat passed away. Yvonne
    Betsy is a little cutie – lovely photos.


    So sorry to hear about your Liath’s passing Justine and John. It is so painful to loose your pet :(
    You are doing a great job with Betsy and thanks for being able to open your heart again so soon :) Fianna


    Betsy has been with us since the 23rd December. She is an absolute dote!! She is very quiet and not much of a barker. However, she has a fab, outgoing personality and is great fun. She is fully house trained and a great night sleeper.

    Betsy loves her walks, food, people and other animals. You should see her watching her movies.. She loves Quentin Tarantino films but has a soft spot for Christopher Walken (we were watching a film the other night and someone was threatening him and she wasn’t happy with that)!!

    She sits on command and is very obedient. She actually smiles when happy or excited which is so gorgeous. Everyone around our way love her and she loves them back.

    Betsy is a treasure and lucky be the folks who adopt her :) We love her to bits.
    Shane & Betsy.jpg
    Betsy watching a film.jpg


    Gosh, just who loves who in the super pic, what a dote :)


    I think Betsy is beautiful! Is she still available for adoption?


    Quick update on little Betsy:

    She is doing great following her spay surgery last Wednesday. Betsy was in a little bit of pain afterward so was given a few days supply of painkillers which had her totally spacey! She would stare at the wall for ages on end with a far away look in her eyes :shock: well at least she wasn’t in pain is all we kept saying.

    Our little lady is back to herself and so eager to go walking – she keeps grabbing the leash and jumping round which is so cute. It will be another few days before she gets any proper walks in so it is just outside for her morning and evening constitutionals at the moment… Don’t worry, Betsy, we’re nearly there!!

    I took off her cone of shame briefly for the photo session below… You will all agree at how beautiful and cute she is. We love her to bits and she really is a complete little gem. So well behaved and intelligent and great fun to be around.


    Well congratulations Audrey and Milly, Pip certainly looks like a very happy girl now that she has found her forever family. I’m sure that she will enjoy a very active and loving life with you both.



    I’m delighted to see Betsy in her new home, she looks relaxed and at ease in her new surroundings already. Her fosterers Christine and Shane did a wonderful job and I’m not surprised she is so well adjusted so quickly – she is a great little dog. I know because I fostered Betsy – now Pip – for a very short time. I know what you mean about her pulling on the lead Audrey. The training classes should work wonders – I would also reccomend a Lupi – they are such a simple little harness that work wonders – they are so brilliant that I sometimes stop total strangers in the street to tell them about the Lupi – they are reccomended on the main DID website in the training section; [url:1qzw3ca3][/url:1qzw3ca3] I think they are much better than the Halti – which is another type of anti-pulling harness that goes over the nose. The lupi goes around the chest and the dog doesnt seem to mind having it on at all.

    Best of luck with the new addition to your family.


    Thanks guys, especially to you Pat. She’s already destroyed the replacement squeak toy I bought :lol:

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