Betsy – Mastiff x Boxer Pup 8 Reserved *

Betsy – Mastiff x Boxer Pup 8 Reserved *

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    Name: Betsy

    Reference Number: 305

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: NOW

    This lovely girl is 6 months old.. more info to follow.


    I was given Betsy to take out on a walk on Wednesday. She is a bouncy puppy, but she is actually quite good on the lead when away from distractions. She does not mouth or bite on your hands, she had a little go at the lead once or twice. I thought she was really good considering how young she is. She has a lovely face.


    I had betsy out for a walk today and i didnt want to put her back! i thought she was going to be strong but she is great on the lead, loves to run but doesnt pull at all, she walked by my side most of the time. She is lovely and friendly!!


    Betsy is such a good dog, she is strong and can pull on the lead but she has been cooped up for a while, so she is eager to let go. When you run, she trots beside you and never jumps up. I ‘d say she will be easy to train.


    had Betsy out today for a good half hour. I agree she is absolutly gorgeous dog with the most adorable face that would just melt your heart. She was great on the lead today and didnt pull at all and loved having her belly rubbed. She is just the best with other dogs and loves people. This one is special..cant help but fall in love with her..


    This girl is so adorable. I had her out both saturday and sunday and just cannot fault her on any level. She has the cutest face and the most gentle temperment. She keeps looking behind on the lead to make sure you are following her. SHe loves to sit and be petted and absolute pet! I just love this girl. Hope she can get out to foster so that she can have some chance of being adopted. There is a very nice couple who are very interested in her and visited her both days over the weekend. I cant get her out of my head..she is a model so sweet!! fingers crossed you get out to foster and find your forever home soon..x


    Any sign of Betsy going into foster..she doesnt stand a chance otherwise given that she is "restricted breed"?. Poor Betsy, she is just the most adorable wish I could take her! oh to win the lotto…
    seeing is believing on this girl..she is much prettier in real life!! fingers crossed sweet girl..


    I’ve walked her a couple of times, shes great, i cant believe she is still in the pound! can anyone post some nicer photos to show just how lovely she really is..? i’m away for the next couple of weeks otherwise i’d do.


    Could not agree more.She is the most adorable dog around.Hope something can be done soon as she is a long time in the pound.Go and see her get too know her and you will see what we are talking about. She is just a honey and could be trained quite easily.


    yes agree..she needs a away myself this weekend..if anyone else could do…am sure she would win over some hearts!!


    Betsy is going into foster today or tomorrow! :D
    Work is always going on in the background for the doggies, no-one is forgotten, please remember that. ;)


    great happy for her!


    Those posts were not meant as any criticism on any work you or others do certainly not on my part. It was to highlight her plight.Some people would shy away from her breed and size. Just wanted people to give her a chance because as you got to know her better you would see she is very lovable and lay back.


    It wasn’t aimed at any post Maria75, and I didn’t take it as a criticism. It was just to let everyone know that alot of work does go on behind the scenes to organize the dogs and that we will post up when we have them sorted. ;)


    In foster home

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