Benson – 12 wk old Terrier X**HOMED**

Benson – 12 wk old Terrier X**HOMED**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Benson – 12 wk old Terrier X**HOMED**

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    This tiny little man is going into foster with Sandra who will update soon ;)



    I was wondering if you had any more photos or information on Benson? Particularly, what he might be a mix of & maybe a better picture of his size?

    We have a Patterdale terrier boy, also a rescue, who we estimate about 6 years old, we’ve had him for 5yrs. He has a great personality and would love to find a brother him.

    Thank you!


    Hi Scarlett,
    We are not sure what he is mixed with. All we know is he is a terrier mix, you can never really tell until they are around 6 months or more when their true characteristics shine through!
    He is quite small, so will be small to medium when fully grown.
    We are just getting to know this little man, so watch this space for an update :D :D


    Well Benson is getting on great here he was in the vets for a few days with a tummy bug hes back to his normal playful self ;) " Thanks to all the staff at Terenure for looking after him " . Benson is so cute he is great with the kids and loves Effy and his sleep :lol: . He follows my husband around the house and sits waiting, looking up at him with his " puppy eyes" to pick him up and it works every time !! The picture below is him in his favourite place ( someones lap ) .

    DID Rescue

    Poor little man sorry to hear you were not well but all good now.
    Great photo of the lap magnet ;)


    Another great week for Benson he is such a little cutie :D , everything back to normal eating and everything and i mean everything loves chasing Effy around the garden and hiding the toys , still wants to play with the cat but Trixie doesn’t do "playing" :evil: . He loves being on your lap as you can tell from photos ! follows the kids waiting for them to sit and play with him :lol: . Sleeps all night not a peep out off him no accidents either. Benson is a great little guy and would be a great addition to any family looking for a fun, loving pup..


    Was up visiting my little buddy during the week. He is looking great after his tummy bug and is enjoying putting back on the weight he lost. He is such a grubber, he even helped me eat my lunch (such a helpful little boy!!)
    Benson 1.jpg
    benson 2.jpg
    Benson 3.jpg


    This little man has met his forever family and will head off during the week to his Happy Ending :D


    Well Benson went off to his forever family , I wish this little dude the best of luck and be happy little man ,, his new family cant wait to get him home as he will be their first Dog as a family pet :D .

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