Benny (was Earl)

Benny (was Earl)

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Benny (was Earl)

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    I’ve tried to post this up loads of times, but everytime I do I burst into floods again. Anyway a few weeks ago my poor Benny boy was hit by a car and died. As soon as it happened we rushed him to the vet but he had massive internal bleeding and bled out on the vet’s table. I think even when we were in the vet’s I still thought he make it, he was my boy y’know? He had to make it through-but unfortunately it was just his time to go I suppose :(

    We had got Benny just as we moved into our new home so he was always part of the furniture and really he was the one who turned the house into a home for us. From the start he was just so much fun and very affectionate.

    ‘It wasn’t me-I swear!’

    He was also just the cleverest dog-he taught himself to open the back door to let himself in so we taught him to close it after himself too-that was his favourite trick and he loved showing it off to people-he thought he was the business! He learnt the basics really quickly-house training him was a dream, he had ‘sit’, ‘paw’, ‘lie down’ and ‘jump’ in no time.The night before he was killed I had just started teaching him another trick of resting a treat on his nose and leaving it there ’til I said ‘Go!’. He loved all those sort of mental work-outs which was the typical collie coming out in him.


    He was a real sweetheart and loved a cuddle, he’d get all jealous if one of the cats was on my knee and he’d push them off and climb up himself-the size of him, he’d nearly break your legs!! I know everyone thinks their dog is the best, but Benny turned out to be such a character, he was just so funny and such a huge part of our lives.
    Feeling sorry for himself
    ‘Minding’ the kitties!
    Playing in the snow-he thought it was hilarious!

    After he went I couldn’t get used to the quietness in the house and so we got a puppy about a week later. Initially I couldn’t take to her at all-I suppose because she just wasn’t my Benny :( It took me a while but she’s a great little pup![/url:wkp9w1q7″>
    The new lady-Poppy

    I just wanted to thank everyone at DID for the great job they did with Benny/Earl, especially Marie who was his foster mum! He didn’t get to have a long life, but in the short life he had, he was really, really loved and we’ll never forget our boy.

    I’ve tried posting pics of him but they’re the wrong size-I’ll try again at some stage though.


    R.I.P Benny :(


    R.I.p little Benny :(


    I am so sorry to read about Benny. I watched the video of him closing the door. Clever little fellow.

    I’m sure in time Poppy will bring you as much happiness as Benny did.

    Take care.

    R.I.P Benny.

    Caitriona. :(


    So sorry to hear this willful my thoughts are with you..

    R.I.P. little fellow run free at the bridge with all my little darlings that were to special to be with us…


    So sorry to read this it is so sad when you loose such a loyal companion.


    im so sorry to hear about Benny. Holding back the tears here. best of luck with you new arrival x


    I remember this little man so well. So sad to hear this. RIP


    Im sitting here crying as I remember this guy on here. So terribly sorry – I know just what you are going through as I lost my little collie who I only had 9 months to a tragic accident. A local farmer spilt slug pellets along the track where we always walked and Cori ate them and was dead in an hour despite the vets attempts. Lets hope Benny and Cori have found one another and are running around somewhere. Love and hugs to you and hope your new baby brings you joy and helps to heal your pain as my little collie Madden has for me. Another little Irish rescue who Im sure Cori sent to me here in England to help stop the tears flowing and also to be a friend to Quinn my other dog.


    This would have been poor Benny’s birthday this month.
    Still finding it hard to let go of him, still miss him so much :cry:

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