Benji the Cocker Spaniel

Benji the Cocker Spaniel

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Benji the Cocker Spaniel

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    Hi all in DID

    I just wanted to give you an update on a very special cocker spaniel, named Benji, whom I, along with Ash, fostered last year.

    Benji was surrendered into the Pound in a bad way, riddled with lice and with his ears so badly matted and infected, that they caused him terrible pain. Suzi Walsh immediately took Benji under her wing and got him the veterinary care he badly needed. He had to have special baths to rid him of lice, and had to go under an anastetic to have his ears shaved back to the skin and treated.

    Benji was rehomed successfully with his new Mammy Betty, who fell in love with him from the moment she set eyes on him. Betty asked me to put this post up, to say thank you and to let everyone know that he has settled really well in his new home, and is loved and adored by his forever family.

    Here is Benji as he was then, and how he is today – a sweeter doggie you’ve never met. Another DID success story :D


    I had this happy chappy for a while – a real people dog. Great to see him getting on well in his new home!


    Wow, look at him now, a super handsome dog, so cute. Cocker Spaniels such a lovely breed

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