Benji – English Setter

Benji – English Setter

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Benji – English Setter

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    :D Update on Benji….
    He has settled in so well…. I am thinking of renaming him "Sea The Stars". I have never seen a dog tear around so much!! His energy is unbelievable. I can only let him off the lead in large enclosed spaces because I think he could actually take off!! He loves my other dogs and totally loves his food. Even now when I feed him, he thinks he is never going to see food again!
    His training is going really well though it took quite a while. He had never been used to any type of routine until Marie got him and I think he loves the security of that. He still has his lovely orange blanket which is in the photos, and he goes mad when he sees it! His coat is brilliant and his tail is long and feathery. He has feathers underneath his tummy now too and on his legs. I will upload photos this weekend…that’s a promise.
    All in all he is a great boy and really happy. He is happiest when on the couch beside you having a cuddle and he is so affectionate. No health problems now at all….just a regular energetic fantastic dog.
    Thank you again Marie & The Team for making him what he is today.



    Aw this is the first time i have come across Benji and i balwed like a baby reading it from start to finish. :roll:
    If anyone ever feels the need to question all the hard work,blood, sweat and tears that goes into helping rescue dogs(and it can try the patients of a saint im sure) just needs to look at his before and after snaps and it makes it all worth while again.
    Well done to everyone involved with him and well done Benji! :D


    Hi All!
    Firstly, sincere apologies for lack of photos..hope these make up for it.
    As you can see, Benji has settled in great. His coat is now unbelievable, and believe it or not he actually had a small mat behind one of his ears last week. I never thought I would be so happy to see matted hair! He loves his baths and has definitely put on weight. I also think he has got taller. He will never be overweight as he burns off his food so well! He loves my other dogs, especially my retriever Tilly.
    He loves the dog park in Shanganagh and really lets loose there. He gets on great with other dogs but is still scared of sudden noises or unfamiliar objects. He can be nervous of new people but once he realises that they are not scary he is all over them!
    Once again many thanks to Marie for all the rehabilitation work she did.


    Benji is so beautiful, thanks for posting up the photos.


    My heart just melts when I see photos of Benji with his orange blankie….he looks SOOO content. :D Thanks Eibhin for taking such good care of a truly beautiful doggy. I wish you all many, many years of fun in Shanganagh Park together. ;)


    wow… Its great to see Benji looking so wonderful and enjoying being a dog…what a contrast to the first few pics of him. A wonderful success story :D


    He just looks ……………………WOW :D Cant look at him without crying




    Seriously???? It’s actually hard to recognise Benji from the poor, sore, pink scrap that found himself in the pound all those years ago!!!!!! Such a heartwarming update <3!

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