Benji – English Setter

Benji – English Setter

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Benji – English Setter

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    DID Rescue

    Well Benji is doing very well and having great fun playing with Chase his new buddie.
    He had his first vaccination and did not affect him in the slightest, which is all good. He is approx 2 years old according to the vet.
    He is back tomorrow for a wash and a skin scrape and I am hoping its negative and if so he will be totally finished the treatment.
    He has come a long way in three and a half months.
    I took him out to the field the other night with two of my dogs but kept him on a long line just incase he go a fright and after 10 mins he was pulling me along to chase after the other two.
    He will never be Mr Confidence but I think he will be able to have an enjoyable life now that he knows how to be a dog.
    He also has a new Mom and home to go to when he is ready which is great news for him :D


    That is fantastic news for Benji, fingers crossed his test will come back negative. You have done amazing work with this dog. You have saved him and given him an amazing opportunity to live a happy doggie life. Thanks Marie.


    Good to know that Benji has a home – has he been able to ‘move on’ yet? Your patience, constant treatment and love and attention certainly worked on this dear little lad – congratulations.
    May we see photos of him leading a happy ‘pet’ life when he gets there??



    OMG Benji looks amazing!! What a transformation from his first picture! Benji must be one of the most successful dogs cared for by DID he is a credit to all those who have been looking after him especially Marie. I hope he gets a special new home and look forward to pictures of him in the "Happy Endings" section.


    This is Benji’s new mum here!! I am nearly afraid to post anything up here because I am only the end result of a long and arduous journey for Benji, and picking up from all the hard work, love, care and attention Marie Hannon has put into this dog. He is an absolute credit to Marie and everyone else who had an input into his care along the way. He was with Marie for 4 full months and it is solely down to her that he is what he is today.
    It is too early to post on how he has settled in, because I don’t even have him 24 hours, but I can just say that he LOVES other dogs, and has been part of a big gang of dogs since Marie took him. That is why he will hopefully fit in so well here. He plonked himself on a couch in the corner, and that’s his observation station!! He slept well, not a peep and was wagging his tail when I came down this morning, which I couldn’t believe, so hopefully the transition will not be too traumatic for him.
    I will keep you all posted with photos. The photo above on the orange blanket was taken in my jeep, just before we said goodbye to Marie. The great thing is that he is in Dublin and everyone will be able to see him and stay in touch with his progress, which definitely will make it easier for everyone, especially Marie.

    I would like to publicly thank Marie and all the people who have made him the dog he is today!


    I have been watching binji since the first post was put up with a good few tears along the way.
    I just cant believe the change in him looks so well best of luck to him and his new family.
    well done marie i wish the world was full of people like you.


    Just saw a picture of Benji . He looks stunning. Such a tranformation. Well done. :D


    aah!! such a lovely ending for this beautiful pet! what a journey and yes absolutely incredible the work that has gone into transforming this baby into the dog he is today! Best of luck benji in your new forever home…you so deserve it! so good that you have learned to trust the "good" humans again!!. Well done ..a true success story should be so so proud all of you who looked after him.


    WOW! :D

    I have been following this thread since the first harrowing photos of Benji first appeared. A huge congratulations to all who extended love, warmth, care and friendship to Benji – it has all paid off. I have to admit to shedding a tear or two when I saw the photo this morning – what a transformation!

    Good luck Benji – you deserve every happiness and more.


    I’m SO delighted for Benji!!! I’ve been watching his progress from the beginning!!! :D


    Brilliant to see how Benji has come on – he’s a gorgeous fella ;) and no better person than Eibhin and her pack to continue the good work that Marie has done with him :)


    So happy for beautiful Benji! :) It really is a happy ending for him after all he has been through!


    Benji got a cake and all!! :D


    What can I say that hasnt been said. Marie has done a more than fantastic job with Benji. There is no one else that could have brought him from the wreck taken out of the pound so many months ago to this stunning boy that he is today. I am so so delighted that he has made the final journey to a new home. Benji is such a special boy. I would love to show the person that let him get into such a state how he is today. A total credit.

    Thank you again Marie and when I asked you that day did you know a foster for a sad boy little did you think the mammoth task that was ahead.


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