Benji – English Setter

Benji – English Setter

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Benji – English Setter

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    WOW what a difference! Looks as tho he has the fine white hair (with the silvery sheen) growing all over. No red or raw patches where he is nibbling. He must feel so much better in himself with that intense itch gone. What a lucky boy to land up where he is loved and looked after. The previous owner needs…. well I musn’t write more! Offer still holds of help it you think we can.


    He’s looking great! Bet he’s feeling much better too :D

    Love the downey hair growing in, all fuzzy, very sweet!


    I’ve been following this post on Benji for ages and my heart just sinks every time I look at his poor little face but it’s wonderful seeing and hearing about his progress. The photos really speak volumes. You really are to be commended for all your hard work in bringing this poor little boy back from the brink and introducing him to a life of love and stability, your dedication to his care and treatment is definitely paying off and hopefully this little man will out tearing around on some beach or park without a care in the world once his psychological injuries have healed as well as the physical.

    Has anyone any idea how soon/long it will be before he is ready to be adopted out?

    DID Rescue

    Well just when I thought Benjis weight had levelled off he totally surprised me on Tuesday when he weighed in at 16.5 kg. This is really good as he started off at around 11kg.
    He is still shy and timid but improving.
    He had his first real Mange wash on Tuesday and suffered no side effects at all which is excellent. Although the dilution was reduced by 50 % just in case.
    Unfortunatly the raw skin had erupted in the middle of his haed and on the inside of his legs last week but hopefully its under control again.
    He is now picking up toys but does not know what to do with them and he run arounfd the garden after the other dogs trying to play but as soon as they oblige he gets a panic attack and does not know what to do next.
    His girlfriend Myla went off to her new home yesterday I am sure he is wondering where she has dissapeared to and Dean hisnother buddie will be leaving next week.
    Will get new photos as soon as his face improves again.


    how is Benji doing these days? hope he is getting stronger all the time..


    I saw Benji the other night in Maries and wow he looks amazing. He was pottering around outside with the rest of the bowwows.. He’s put on loads of weight…
    Fair play Marie you mean so much to the dogs your brilliant..


    Cant wait to see new piccies of this guy!!

    DID Rescue

    Well Benji is still doing well but hates when you take the camera out.
    He has now weighed in at 17.1kg. He has hair in most places now but its slow to come back on his legs and the top of head.
    He got neutered yesterday and is coping really well not bothering about the stitches at all.
    He met Mittens the kitten yesterday and no bother at all.
    His skin scrape on his body came back clear of mites but unfortunatly they found one little bugger between his toes so we have to do three more washes.
    He now has learned to play which is a real improvement and not scared when Flint the collie launches on top of him from the couch.
    I will get some more photos asap.


    So good to hear Benji is improving even if slowly – Look forward to photos.
    Offer of help still stands.


    Benji Now! :D


    WOW !!! He looks amazing :D


    What a change – you all should feel justly proud. One happy chubby young lad with the haunted look completely gone. I am so happy for him and you. :D

    DID Rescue

    This man is coming on really well he has made hugh progress in the past ten days.
    He had complications with the neuter and had to have an open drain fitted for five days to reduce the fluids as he had swollen up and although he was on Rimadal all that happened was he went off his food. Drain is now removed and is back in flying form again.
    Totally loving his food.
    More importantly he will now come to me when called and let me pet him. This has taken three months to get him to trust humans at all and this week he went to Sarah to be petted as well.
    He is still scared of men even boys so we are now working on that.
    He is having great fun with Chase and now knows how to play with another dog which is a great improvement.
    Another move this week has been that he now comes out into the kitchen with the other dogs and waits to be fed, and then stays and eats with them. I know most people would think this is nothing but if you met him last May you would have thought he was beyond rehabilation at all, even the vet suggested otherwise to which I nearly murdered him myself.

    Before he would run into his bed and wait for it to arrive, now he has started eating in the kitchen among all the others which is a major step forward.I will try for some more photos this week.
    He was back for his skin washes on Friday and the vet said he is ready for vaccinations now so all looking good for the man.


    At last I have found my way in to see the lovely Benji. What a transformation – he’s a credit to you Marie. I sent the link to the warden in the pound who was very anxious that he got out and get a chance of a better life and he was delighted for him. Its been a long haul for you and him but very much worth it. Hugs to the man himself.


    How did the vaccs go?
    Hope he has had no adverse reaction…
    Just nosey – has anyone ever given any idea of his age? He looks young but wondered if he is older than he looked at first.

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