Benji – English Setter

Benji – English Setter

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    DID Rescue

    :lol: Well we went back today for another malaseb wash and it all went well and I think he actually enjoyed it. I have been putting Bio oil on the leather type skin on his legs and they washed off clean today back to pink skin.

    Last Friday before I collected him he weighed in at 11.2kg so we decided to weigh him this morning and he surprised us all coming in at 13.7kg so I have told him to take it handy or he will be on a light diet by next week :lol:

    He has now met all the dogs and is getting on well.
    He is still worried about coming in and out the kitchen door but I think tonight he has made another step forward as he ran in and out about three times and you could see he was delighted with himself.
    At night he settles down in the kitchen with Myla chewing on his tail.

    He is still sleeping on his own at night because he has to have his last feed and I think at that stage of the day he needs to chill out totally and relax and he is usually fast asleep in 10 mins worn out from the day so much so he never even lifts his head when I check on him.
    Also he would not have been able for much activity for the past few months due to his debilated state so its all a bit new to him.
    The main thing is he is improving daily considering he has not been treated for the mange yet.
    His next bath is Thursday am and hopefully the following week he will be ready and able for the mange wash……..hopefully.
    Will keep you posted.


    Benji & Myla snuggling down for the night.


    Benji chilling out! :D

    DID Rescue

    Benji had a wash this morning and he loved it.
    Jenny did a great job and he felt he was the most important person in the world.
    Better still he weighed in at 14.6kg and his hair is growing back which is all good.
    He is no longer manic about food and is happy to wait although exicited with the prospect.
    He is now happily chewing on all sorts of treats so all is well and progressing on a daily basis.
    I have ordered a treatment for mange for him fron the USA and hopefully it will lessen the need for the more severe mange washes.
    To date this boy for all his progress still has not been treated for mange.
    Which proves mange is only there due to a lowered immune system and when all the other parts are worked on,like diet, relaxed realising how to be a dog…….. it makes a hugh difference


    Well done!, cant wait to see more pics of him improving!!



    Ah the little pet is coming on great :) Look at the length of those paws- he must be a tall fella ;) Keep up the great work Marie :)


    its nice to see he is letting you closer for the pics. the brave little man after all he has been through..


    At last found time to register! :lol:
    I have been watching this post since it started and have had many Setter lovers in the UK email it to me too asking me if we would be able to help.
    I have emailed and phoned Marie with out being able to get hold of her but know that you all are very busy.
    We know that Benji has to be completely recovered before he is rehomed otherwise the demodectic mange will raise its ugly head again. The demodex mite will always be with him (many, many dogs are born with it, passed on from the bitch but they never have a problem as they lead a happy, stress free and fullfilling life)- it is an insiduous little …… :twisted: which will occur again if Benji is stressed or neglected so no way could he travel across to UK until he is totally better, has put on required weight and lost his fears..
    ESRA are happy to help DID in anyway we can and hope you will contact us if, or when, you think there is anyway at all that we can help.
    Benji is certainly a lucky little fellow to have been ‘rescued’ when he was – he looks as if he knows it too! :D
    Jenny ESRA Coordinator

    DID Rescue

    Sorry Jenny did not get a chance to call you back but now that you are logged in you will be able to see his progress.
    His medication from USA is in Ireland so hopefully I will get it on Monday. He is doing fine he had another wash Friday afternoon as the cheesy smell was coming back stronger after the hot weather.He hates travelling and drools all the way to the vet but at least he has not got sick on the last journey.
    He is still eating well although weight gain is slowing down which is fine as he really wont put on an awful lot more as he is quite a small framed setter.
    He is still playing with Myla the little demon.
    He still gets worried when you call him to you but as soon as all the others respond he joins in for a pet.

    Every now and then he frightens the life out of himself when he gets carried away doing something like playing and then realising it get really exicited and chuffed with himself as if to say DID YOU SEE ME DOING THAT.
    I think having lots of other dogs around here and no pressure he is starting to be a dog. I dont think he has ever had that opportunity before.

    His skin is also changing going from angry red to normal pink on the flanks. He looks like a bald Dalmation at the moment with the black spots and only white hair growing back, I dont know if any black will grow back or if he ever had any in the first place.
    I will try and get some more photos tomorrow.


    Thanks for the update Marie
    Good to know that everything is positive and that Benji now has a quality of life with you – he certainly looks a much happier boy! I take it the medication coming from US is related to the Allugan that was taken off the market in UK a few years ago – it used to work wonders! There is another shampoo is the ‘Mala’ drug range called Malacetic which is not so drying as Malaseb; they also produce MalaceticOtis earcleaner which has no alcahol in it so much more gentle on ears. I always use that on my setters as they are often allergic to alcohol. All are made by DermaPet and some are available at on line vet websites now in UK. I used to get it sent over from US by a friend living out there!
    I don’t think Benji will get any black patches – he may just get a few ‘flecks’ where the black is on his skin ie the ‘belton’ of the ESs.
    If I could I would put up a picture of my ‘Irish working ES’ James who came over to ESRA about 4+ years ago. Benji looks very much like him.
    If there is any thing you feel we can help with please do PM me as we will help in any way you think we are able


    love to see how Benji is doing now..any more photos??


    either Benji got really small or Myla got big which is it! benji looks fantastic well done guys :)


    Benji looks much better. His skin doesn’t look as firey red. Well done on looking after him so well.


    i remember seeing this poor boy in the pound :cry:
    so glad he s getting a second chance :P

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