Benji – English Setter

Benji – English Setter

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    Poor poor baby. What a heartbreaking story. Sending get well wishes and gentle cuddles from me and the animals here in England.


    Keeping everything crossed for him, he looks such a dote, at least he is in good hands now.

    DID Rescue

    :D Well the good new is I am collecting this little man tomorrow and. taking him home for a week . We have decided he is not strong enough yet for the real mange washes so I will treat him homopatically for the week and feed him up. He will then hopefully go back for an Aludex wash after the week.
    He has had daily washes to reduce the yeast forming bacteria, had his ears cleaned out and the hair removed and been treated with Advocate so what I am hoping to achieve is to boost his own immune system a bit with a herbal remedy from Herbalwise and some homeopathic remedies from Tom Farrington and gain his confindence so that he does not feel on his own so much.
    Will update soon. ;)


    Thanks for been so kind, caring and helpful to Benji.


    great to see this dog getting looked after. God knows how he got in such a state. Seeing as you are going down the homeopathic route thought I would let you know that a friend of mine had a dog with this condition. they treated it with conventional methods which cleared it. However, the dog later has a slight reoccurance and this time they treated it conventionally and acupuncture – it hasnt reoccured since.


    Good luck with Benji today i know he is great hands fingers and paws crossed for him here ;)


    I know from a human point of view – if the skin is itchy especially from a yeast infection – eating probiotic yogurt is good but possibly consider putting it on his skin as it is really cooling and soothing from the fridge. Also acidophillus (the good bacteria) are available in capsule form so you may be able to give him some of them. Rather than give him capsules you can open them on sprinkling them on/through his food. These are good from a human point of view so i would check them out (with a vet etc) before administering them to him. Anything that may help this lovely boy. Can’t wait to see photos as he is improving.


    Benji looking much better and eating for Ireland!! :D


    bless you guys ;)


    He looks so much better well done to you :)

    DID Rescue

    Well today has brought even more improvements in the little man.
    Tonight I had him in the kitchen with just my own Setter Rudi and for the first 30 mins he just paced. Then Kealan my eight year old came in and he panicked for a few mins.
    We all ignored him even Rudi seasoned pro with foster dogs and then he approached Kealan to say hello. After that I decided to be brave and open the door to see if he would come outside, again he was worried and kept looking out and running away.
    Then Rudi gave him the lead he needed and he trotted out, and then in and out and in and out.
    I then tried to see if he trusted me enough and I went out and called him, I was delighted he followed and in 5 mins he was romping around the garden running up to me for a pat and off again.
    As most will know this was a major step for him as he is very wary of humans.
    He certainly has never been in a house before.
    Tomorrow I will let him meet two of my other dogs Jamie and Lulu and see how he gets on.
    His skin has toned down about three shades now.
    He still loves his food and is game for any varietys which is good.
    Treats he is getting there picking and choosing.
    Last night I took him for a walk down the road here which is very quiet and we only met one car who slowed right down for us but he is really scared of cars at the moment but later on in the week I will take him with a confident one and see how he gets on.
    At the moment we are just building up trust, starting to meet the others here in installments,treating the scabs and softening the skin and of course feeding him all he wants.
    He really has lead a sheltered neglected life but even now only six days he is responding really well.
    More updates soon.


    Wonderful that he is feeling a bit better. Best wishes to him.


    Great to hear he is making such good progress!! Poor fella has really been through it by the sounds of it.


    What a brilliant update Marie he couldn’t be in better hands, Im sure he will be a different dog in a few more weeks with yours Kealan’s and the rest of your doggies help.


    I met Benji today and got a little shock i have to say, I tried to prepare myself. You can see he really really wants to come over to say hello but instead he circles and looks on and sizes things up. He is a stunner a lovely kind face and when his hair grows back he will be a show stopper. A true survivor. Good luck Benny ;)

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