Ben – boxer cross puppy

Ben – boxer cross puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ben – boxer cross puppy

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    Ben is a little dote. He is the black puppy. Slept like a baby all of last night with his sister Lady and enjoyed a few visits to the garden today. i think he likes the snow. :) He is so loving and just wants a little attention and in return he will give you little licks, loads of love and the cutest puppy looks. More photos to follow soon.


    oh joanne.. wat dolls you have!!! good first challenge.. very proud of ya! :lol:
    cant wait ta see up dates! My first foster wiggles is spoiled im sure ya do same! He in my bed now wit hot water bottle while insomniac me sits in cold on PC at this time..haha. Well done !!! :D


    Ben slept the whole night again. He is doing really well. Loves his grub too and ate all his brekkie. Went outside this morning with his sister and did his poops before coming back inside. He’s a very clever pup. :D



    I met Ben this morning in his foster home. Is a a super handsome pup, beautiful markings and such a fluffy coat! He was a little more reserved and shy with me than his sister. His foster mam says he is the barker and more boisterous of the pair usually! He is eating really well and his toilet training is coming on well. Beautiful fella, no doubt he’ll be snapped up



    Thanks for your message Jojo. They are the sweetest little pups ever. Although Wiggles is a cutie too. ;) Ben had a great sleep last nighht, not a word from him or his sister. Eating so well too, has even gained weight in the last few days. Ben is so alert, the smallest sound and ears go up to see who’s coming and going. And as for the toilet training, Ben lets a little cry and thats telling me he wants to do a pee, out he goes and does it and straight back in from that nasty cold. Very proud of him and his sister. :D


    you are doing great joanne, very cute little pups i have there brother and sister. :D


    Thanks Geordie. My first experience of fostering has been a total pleasure. They are dotes. Spiro and Cookie seem to be doing well too. Little angels. :D


    Day 6 in my foster home…i woke up at 8am to do my business outside, i am getting so good at this. Foster Mammy Joanne gave me a lovely brekkie of rice and chicken and then me, my sister Lady and Joanne got into Joannes bed for a cuddle and sleep as it was too cold to get up and play just yet. It was very snuggley.When I got back up, I went outside to my new toilet area. I got lots of ‘good boy’ for this. I bounced back inside and played with my sister again before having a little nap. Joanne will post some photos here later of me looking as handsome as ever. :D



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