Belle – Collie x female *HOMED*

Belle – Collie x female *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Belle – Collie x female *HOMED*

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    Well Rosie has settled in very well. She was only dropped off on Tuesday morning and she has already found her place! Herself and Cooper has a few hairy moments the other night but she showed him who was boss n now they’re getting on great! It was so good to see them running around jumping all over each other yesterday because she wasn’t interested in playing at all on Tuesday. She is amazing on the lead but we need to teach her a bit of road sense. She likes to walk off the path. We took her for a walk last night n she didn’t seem too keen of the dark or the traffic but was grand after a bit. We met two collie x corgie puppies last night called crispy and crunchy and she was full licks for them. It was great to see. Today we went for a long walk along the canal off the lead and she was amazing!!! Came back everytime I called! She’s amazing!! Cooper is teaching her how to race the trains! It’s so funny!

    Claire you did an amazing job!! Thank u so much! She’s a little dote! she met all the family (dogs included) on Tuesday and she is loved by all.
    I’ll put up some Photos n more updates soon.

    Love n licks from Rosie, Cooper, Little Lottie, Suzanne n Darren :-)


    Great to hear – congratulations to Rosie, her new family and well done Claire! :D


    pictures as promised
    photo (10).JPG
    photo (11).JPG
    photo (12).JPG


    AWH!!!!!!!! Look at little Rosie!!!!!!!!! Thank you so so much for the photos!!!!!!!!! I love the one with herself and Ciara on the beach, I can tell she was so happy in it – children and beaches, her 2 favourite things!! Any sign of going in for a swim yet?
    The picture with Cooper, little Belle and Rosie is great! Looks like little Belle just told Rosie and Cooper where to go :lol:
    And the one where she is leaning against you is lovely, she is so gentle!! Really missing her, but I’m so happy that she is with you guys! She’s so sweet, a well deserved happy ending!

    How is lottie doing? Is she standing her ground over the 2 doggies? :lol: I hope so!

    Keep the pictures coming! It’s so great to so her doing so well.. :) xxxx

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