Belle – Collie x female *HOMED*

Belle – Collie x female *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Belle – Collie x female *HOMED*

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    Belle would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! She’d especially like to say a huge thank you to Kathy and all the other Dog’s in Distress volunteers for their untold kindness. Without DID, she may not have been able to have a very merry Christmas. From the Terenure Veterinary hospital, to the other volunteers, and everyone in between, thank you for giving this great little girl a chance at life. Belle would like to wish anyone who might be following her story a Merry Christmas too. Her hopes for the new year is that next Christmas she will be well settled in her forever home..She so deserves it. Merry Christmas! :)

    Apologies for the lack of a Christmas photo. We’re all a bit too full and tired to start uploading. I’ll post some over the next few days


    She can now sit, lie down, she knows not to jump up, she sits down before we give her her dinner, she’s so clever! Can’t believe how much she has remembered in ONE DAY!!!!! Unfortunately she seems to have developed some type of seperation anxiety, which I’m hoping will be sorted very soon. She seems to get very stressed when I leave the house or when I leave her to go to bed. But exhibits no anxious behaviour if my mum leaves the house. She does still have her stiches in, and her exercise and walks have been kept to a bear minimum, so once she gets them out this Friday, hopefully this will change. I’ve got so many walks planned already, the poor dog won’t know what hit her! :lol:

    She has gotten a LOT more confident in herself, and the puppy within her is completely showing now! She is such a good natured, playful dog!! She is playful when you want her to be, but is able to settle down very quickly afterwards. I took her for a short walk today, and we met some children on bikes. She walked up to them with her tail wagging so much that the whole bottom half of her body was wagging too. She went up to the children and sat down calmly, waiting for a pet. I was so inpressed!! She’s so good, and really does adore children!

    As promised, here are a few pictures taken over christmas…
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    Out of all the toys we got her, it was the cat’s toy she wanted! :lol:
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    She got all tired out from all the playing!
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    She has the smiley mouth of a very happy dog 8-)


    Belle is LOVING all the walks!!
    And, no to mention all the attention! Whenever we meet people out, she just loves the way everyone makes a fuss over her! They can’t get over how soft she is! She is getting so much more confident now, she has a spring in her step – literally!! She walks around very proudly, with her head held high and it’s great to see.

    Here are a few pictures of her today. Happy New Year!!
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    That middle pic is a sure sign of an unhappy dog! ;) :lol: Poor Belle, foster life is so tough… 8-)


    That middle pic is a sure sign of an unhappy dog! ;) :lol: Poor Belle, foster life is so tough… 8-)[/quote:1y144shc]

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I know Mutley, it’s a tough life when you’re as beautiful as she is!!!
    I had her out for a walk this evening, and she’s so funny! Some people didn’t stop to pet her (which is VERY rare), and she gets really taken aback by it!!! She pauses for a second after the person passes and then continues on. I tried to explain to her that it was dark and not everyone has time to stop and pet her! :lol: :lol:

    She’s loving meeting all these new people, and she can’t wait to find her forever family!


    We went for a walk today and met 4 huskies! The all kind of came at Belle at the same time, and she wasn’t at all happy! She got very nervous, and showed her teeth a little bit, but never growled or barked. We then came across a little puppy that was jumping all over her, which she didn’t seem to like either. I think if her forever home has another dog in it, the other dog would need to be chiled and non-crazy! :lol: She is great with other dogs that just come up and say hello nicely to her.
    Here are a few pictures from our walk today..
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    :) :) :)
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    This was before the walk and I think it’s great!! Do you think she was trying to tell me it was time to take her?? :lol:
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    Beautiful photos and great updates..thank you ;)


    Love the photos! That’s so funny that she wants to be the centre of attention on her walks, being patted by one and all – she knows she is a very classy lady! :lol:


    I just met Belle on Killiney beach and she is an absolute beaut. The most beautiful eyes and softest coat you could imagine.

    She’ll make a fab addition to someones family.



    Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink..?? I took Belle to the beach yesterday, obviously it was her first time there because she kept trying to drink the water!! :lol: :lol: It was the funniest thing I had ever seen!!! She would run in to the water and go to try and drink it, but then when she’d get the salty taste she’d sort of get a fright and run like a mad thing around in a circle before she would stop and do the same thing all over again!!!! :lol: :lol: It was so, so funny!!!!!!!
    Yesterday was also the first time I had her off the lead and she was BRILLIANT!!! She comes back evertime I called her, and I didn’t even have to train her to do that!!!
    I had judged her totally wrong on how she is with other dogs!!! She doesn’t mind jumpy dog’s at all!! I think it’s just that when we were in the dog park that she may have felt enclosed. Once I took her down to the beach and had her off the lead she was jumping and playing with everydog that came her way!!! I spent most of the time on the beach just laughing at her, she is such a character! :D :lol:

    I just met Belle on Killiney beach and she is an absolute beaut. The most beautiful eyes and softest coat you could imagine.

    She’ll make a fab addition to someones family.


    Thanks Darren!! Was great to meet you, and Buster, right? What a little cutie he is!!!!! :) :) :) He was so friendly!!!

    Unfortunately I didn’t have my phone with me to take pictures of Belle in all her madness but I’ll be taking her back there today, so hopefully I’ll get some lovely ones of her. I’d love to get her to swim, so fingers crossed she goes in a bit further today! :)

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