Bear – 10 week old GSD/collie x HOMED

Bear – 10 week old GSD/collie x HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bear – 10 week old GSD/collie x HOMED

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    Bear as you can see is as we suspected a big boy and probably has a little bit of growing left since he is about 9 months now, but despite his size has settled and calmed down a lot, just as well as his little bro Jim is in full on teething destructive mode at the moment. Between his 2 canine companions, and following the kids and 4 cats every movement he tends to be kept very busy every day.

    DID Rescue

    Great photo Sarah :D
    They all look fantastic with really great coats…………it must be all the good food ;)
    He really has taken a stretch, hopefully he will stop soon.
    Little Jim is no longer little but what a good looking boy.

    See you at the next training day.
    Thanks for the update.


    Oh Sarah – he looks FANTASTIC!!! As do his sister and brother. :D :D We always knew he would be big but also a sweetheart and this seems to be how he is. He was one of our ultra-special fosters and it is wonderful to see him with such a fab "happy ever after". Thanks so much for the update – it really means SO MUCH.
    Love from all here, my big bear!!! :D :D :D


    A truly stunning photo line up! :D


    Bear getting on great. Still some man for the chats and vocals, especially when my son practising his tin whistle. ;) He really has that collie herding thing going on with us and the animals in the house. He has decided to pay it forward by sharing some of the good start and love he got at the start with the colgans :D – see him in pic with our first foster – she is off to new home next week, think we will all be bit heartbroken.


    Thanks so much, Sarah, for that wonderful update and gorgeous photo! Glad to know that Bear is still the chatty little ( or BIG!!!) guy that we knew and loved. Niall says he used to sing along with the radio – I had forgotten that!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: They all look fabulous. Hi to all there from all here. :D :D


    Almost a year now since we collected Bear he is fully grown now and a good size at around 34kg – he is a happy chappy still loves to be the centre of attention by all the animals and us. He now has a new little DID sister Kelly(lilly) . :D


    Oh Bear!! What a handsome man you have turned out to be. :D :D We often talk about you here and I am thrilled to see you so happy and with lots of siblings to play with and take care of. Thank you so much for the lovely update and beautiful picture – I LOVE hearing about the little babies we took care of – for a little time – and seeing them ALL grown-up!!! Take care, Bear. Lots of love from all here!!! :D :D :D


    Just a little update Bear 2 1/2 now, loves giving Bear kisses and cuddles. His other favourite pastime is licking and cleaning the faces and ears of all the other dogs and cats in the house.


    Oh wow!! Are you gorgeous or WHAT!!!!? To be fair, you were always gorgeous – there is just more gorgeousness there now!!!
    Great to hear from you and see you being such a wonderful big bro!
    Still missing you here. :D :D :D

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