Arty (one of meme’s pup’s )*HOMED*

Arty (one of meme’s pup’s )*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Arty (one of meme’s pup’s )*HOMED*

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    Well arty just make’s me laugh , he is so small but yet has a big personality , the other night i was mess giving out to the 6 of them and he had the paw up and barking right back at me , while the rest sat and took it , he was so funny , he will really be a great dog and anyone would be so lucky to have him.
    This little boy will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6 mts. old. These puppies will be high energy dogs and will require a family with an active lifestyle.


    this little guy looks and sounds gorgeous! we’d love to give him his forever home.He’d be a great companion to our 8 month old daxie called Lily (who doesn’t like walking AT ALL! she verrrry lazy!) so maybe this fella will give her that extra bit of encouragement. hopefully we can come and visit him very soon :D


    Well my little masterpiece puppie ….i hope you are not back barking back at your foster mum when you don’t get your own way :lol:


    Arty you made all the right moves today and made your new forever Mum and Dad fall in love with you ……I was speaking with them as they were driving to go on a big shopping spree for all your bits and pieces…you are going to be a spoiled boy indeed!


    From Artys family :D

    We adopted (originally Arty) from the Sprollie litter born in July, and now we have the love of our lives, Charlie. I can not explain the amount of joy he has brought to our lives. My husband and I always talk about how on earth did we live without him. Funny enough when we went to meet him the first time, he was the calmest of the 2 pups left and oh how that has changed. He is full of energy and so smart. Everyone he meets falls in love right away. He definitely tries to rule the house (mainly because he has access everywhere, especially once we installed the dog flap to the backyard) and walks US everyday! He loves the dog park at Marley Park because for him, the more the merrier, animals and humans alike. Charlie is currently obsessed with trash and dragging it into the back garden along with all his toys and balls. And really for us, he is wonderful, trash and all. We are so glad for what your organization does for these animals and the happiness you have given us with Charlie. We can’t thank you enough!

    DID Rescue

    Thank you so much for the update. We are always so delighted to hear how the dogs are getting on and also what they look like all grown up.
    He is a very handsome chap and I am sure as bright as button.
    That’s why Sprollie’s make such fantastic family dogs.

    I love the family photo but I have to say the two boy’s dead to the world is fab. It’s like the lads chilled out after the Rugby match and a few beers :D
    Please keep sending the odd update it really helps to keep us all motivated ;)


    Birthday Boy looking so good…..

    Family Portrait…

    Charlie ran rings around us

    The S Sprogs 010.JPG
    The S Sprogs 019.JPG
    The S Sprogs 011.JPG


    I thought I’d give an update on our big baby, Charlie. We all made a big move last year to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Our boy did great (much better than I did, knowing he was flying). He is still super active and requires alot of walks and park time, but his favorite place is in mom’s lap with a treat. When he visits his grandparents in North Carolina, he is constantly spoiled (Thanksgiving he gets his OWN oven roasted chicken and carrots)! Our neighborhood in Philadelphia is nicknamed "Dogtown" because everyone has a dog, most people even bring their dogs to the local and almost every restaurant has a dog menu for all the furry kids. There is a huge off-leash dog park on our same block, where Charlie is well known and ball crazy. Now we just have to get him used to not being the only baby in the house now that we are expecting, though he’ll always be my big baby! Hopefully I can get some recent pics uploaded soon! We still can’t thank you enough for Charlie, he still brings us joy and love every day.

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