Ariel – mini collie pup

Ariel – mini collie pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ariel – mini collie pup

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    Ariel is a 11 month old collie x pup who has spent the majority of her life living enclosed in a cage in a yard. She is now safe and sound and up for homing, she is neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped. She is house trained and good in the car. She is only small to medium in size and is a really sweet little girl. Ariel has settle in really well she now come’s over for hugs and a kisses then runs off again… i had her in a lead today walking round the garden and she really didn’t know what to make of it but she’s getting there slowly she had a bath this evening and has slept since. More information to follow.


    Well the lovely Ariel is here with me and has settle quite well She is a little nervous but coming round slowly will update with pic’s soon..


    some pic’s of the lovely Ariel..


    She’s beautiful.


    Well my little Ariel has just flowen from the nest and gone to live in her new home with George a bassit hound.. They met today and got on well.
    So i wish her all the love in the world and hope she lives a happy life. Besafe little one miss you already. xxx


    Ariel now!! :D

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