Apollo – Terrier X 7 wks old – HOMED

Apollo – Terrier X 7 wks old – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Apollo – Terrier X 7 wks old – HOMED

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    :D Well, take first prize for testing your family to within an inch of their lives! :D They clearly passed with flying colours and their ‘clearing up after you’ skills have been honed to perfection :lol: :lol: As for hanging over the edge of chairs waiting for one of your slaves (sorry, family members) to pick up your toy for you :o – well, I am speechless and believe me, that is no mean feat. Your family should start the book of your life right now, the story of Marley would pale into complete insignificance by comparison. I enjoyed reading your blog thus far and very much look forward to future instalments ;) – keep up the good work 8-) .


    Awwww, the photos of you are great! Glad to see you are enjoying life in your forever home!


    I see that you landed on your four paws with your forever family :D And your updates crack me up sooooo much :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Hi Everyone.

    That old saying ‘dog-in-a-manger’ was coined with me in mind.
    Thought you might like to see a set of pictures that perfectly sum up how I behave in any given day!
    I do not like to share anything and will not give up until I get what I want…………

    I think my next ‘blog’ will be titled “5 reasons why I don’t have Plaque”………………dental advice for dogs!!!

    So watch this space………………

    Love Dash

    DID Rescue

    Fantastic updates, very witty and totally amusing.
    I agree Marley does not even come close to this Mini Rocket :D
    I can’t wait for your next instalment.
    Well done to your parents for stamina and more importantly loving you.
    This reads just like " The Bad Dog’s Diary" ……so many similarities :D
    Great book really made me laugh out loud and cheered me up no end.


    Update from Dash (i really love when he writes to us!!)

    Hi All
    It is that time of year again, boy it’s been a fast and busy year. Where does the time go?
    I am already nearly 18 months old and still no sign of maturing!!

    I know that I said that I would be ‘Blogging’ about dental care for dogs……..but my ‘forever family’ are still cataloguing all the evidence, they say. So it will follow in the New Year.

    At present my favourite chew is the thermostat on the radiator. We are now either very cold or very hot!!
    They were even good enough to season it with pepper, which I though was fairly decent of them. Well it is the season of goodwill, after all.

    Attached are my Christmas photos for this year. This time it took three tries, as I decided that I didn’t want to have my picture taken.
    In one you can see that my chew is being held as ransom and in the other I have my chew but I am giving them ‘the eye’…………that means I am going to be especially bad when this is all over!!
    I was………………………..

    All my pet siblings are well, thankfully.
    The other day we all got a big fright, though.
    We were out for our usual early morning walk and a couple of young and giddy horses got loose on the path down to the beach.
    They came towards us, then turned quickly and one of them kicked MacDuff in the head. He was knocked unconscious for a few moments.

    We had to rush him to the vets and he was a very lucky dog indeed. Considering he is nearly 13 years old.
    My family were worried about him.
    He spent the day in hospital and had to have stitches but besides having a small sinus problem where he sniffs a little now and then, he is fine.
    He does look a little like a hedgehog at the moment, as they shaved his head and the rest of him is hairy and fluffy!

    I will have to go now as I am really busy at the moment preparing the house for the arrival of all my human siblings……………..Oh, I just love this time of the year when they and their friends are all around and I get unlimited attention.

    I haven’t quite finished eating my way through the back of the sofa and my toy box needs rearranging around the room again……..why do they keep picking everything up, it is such a waste of time.
    They never seem to learn??????????

    Wishing everyone at Dogs in Distress, their families, friends and supporters……..and of course, all my dog associates…………a Very Merry Christmas.

    I will write after the holiday with all my latest news
    Love Dash
    Dash 1.jpg
    Dash 2.jpg
    Dash 3.jpg


    Ah Dash you look like a decendant of Dasher one of Santa’s reindeers.
    Love that you took time out of your busy schedule to give us all some christmas cheer.
    Merry Christmas Dude!


    Love the update and the photos, very dashing indeed! ;) Poor MacDuff has certainly been through the wars! :shock:


    Hi All,
    I know that it has been a while since I have written but I have been so busy around here.
    I promise to write you (and add evidence/pictures) soon with all my news but for now I must tell you that I lost my dog buddy MacDuff last weekend.

    He was getting slower and his back legs were beginning to give way in the last couple of months.
    My family took him to the vet so many times saying that there was something wrong with him.
    Tests/X-rays and bloods didn’t show anything conclusive and it was put down to old age.
    Last Tues week my human Mum took us to the beach and wanted a change of scene for Duff thinking it would do him good, so carried him to the waters edge for a little ‘wind blowing in his hair’ experience.
    He was not comfy.
    That evening he refused his dinner so a trip to the vet was in order, lets put it this way…………..the vet has an effect on Duff similar to raising Lazarus from the dead!
    The vets words were “Well he looks ok to me, he seems to be moving fine now!”
    The next day he still wasn’t eating and had stopped drinking too and we were worried, so they took him to the hospital and he was put on a drip.
    Constant phone calls and there was no improvement and so on Saturday he was brought home.

    They put him in his favourite place (I was told this as I wasn’t allowed near, for the end, they said it was Duff’s moment and very private) in the beanbag looking out on the garden where he used to spent most of his house time keeping an eye on things!
    From there he went to doggie heaven.

    They are still very sad as Duff had been found as a 9 month/1 year old wandering the city over 12 years ago and was the most wonderful, obedient (unless in a stubborn mood, but that wasn’t too often), undemanding (I wonder why they asked me to write that?) loyal and loving companion who just looked at you with his big eyes and hoped you’d look his way.

    He hated having his hair brushed and loved to play football.


    Great to hear from you Dash but so sorry to hear about your pal MacDuff. :cry: May he run free now, without any discomfort and knowing that you are keeping an eye on things for him at home.


    Ah Dash, so sorry to hear of MacDuff’s passing and Im sure he’s keeping an eye on you from Rainbow’s Bridge laughing at all the mayhem you’ll be causing.


    Dear All

    I hope that everyone is well and getting ready for Christmas.
    I have been very busy lately and slow to write to D.I.D. on a regular basis but hope to rectify that over the coming 12 months.

    I myself am doing my bit to help, rustling in the Xmas decorations, chewing the odd angel, making sure that the cats are kept well in order………actually, kept well away from everything!
    I still terrorise the living daylights out of them but am now allowing them to cuddle up to me the odd time! Progress indeed!

    I have grown up/matured quite considerably in the last year and am a wonderfully obedient and intelligent (not to forget LOVING) dog.
    We lost my mate Duff in June, which made us all very sad and I seemed to be at a loss for a while.
    My family felt that I missed the company more than Duff and wondered about getting me another companion immediately.
    We didn’t find one straight off and now I seem to have blossomed as an only dog, probably the state of affairs I was born to be in anyway!!
    When we are out on our walks I meet all my regular pals and have a great time with them! EVERYONE knows me in the area at this stage.

    Last week my cousin asked could he ‘borrow’ me and take me to his school.
    He was doing a project to try and raise the awareness of cruelty to animals.
    Nobody could understand his reasoning in asking for me!!!
    I certainly don’t portray an image of neglect or cruelty……………..but Pete had his own ideas and I was a star and a huge success!!
    I attracted so many people to his stall and I am, technically, a rescue dog?
    We handed out leaflets about D.I.D. and I had a book all about my life, so far, with pictures and all about the work of D.I.D.
    Pete has his own dog but he knew that I was the crowd puller……….and I later discovered I was also the bird puller!! Not so slow that guy!!

    I still empty all the bins at every opportunity and can’t help but give it away whenever anyone walks into the room.
    I am the most guilty looking dog on the planet.
    I grab a toy, SLOWLY slither over to greet the person (scraping my tummy on the floor) …..no wagging tail….no eye contact….then lower myself the rest of the way to the floor and avoid all eye contact till I think the coast is clear and then I’m HAPPY again!
    I have noticed lately that there might be the little hint of a smirk on their faces???? Or am I imagining it?

    For now I will send you my Christmas photos for 2012. My Mum loves the one of me hiding my head in shame!!

    For now………….Wishing Everyone at Dogs in Distress a Very Merry Christmas.

    Love from



    Come on Dash, did you take up professional modelling and you’re too embarrassed to say it straight out? And then that guest appearance at a school! You are gorgeous, you could do your own calendar with those poses, you DO certainly know how to vogue.

    I’m glad you are filling the gap left by your buddy Duff with meeting your doggie pals. I bet you focus on the good times and know your family care about how you feel. Happy Christmas calendar dog!


    Hi All

    I’M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well I didn’t actually go anywhere but my Mum has been super busy and keeps meaning to update you all on my progress in life.

    She sure takes enough photos of me, it’s probably part of the reason she can’t find time to writeSmile

    Anyway, I am doing well……….all grown up now.

    This summer I turn 4 which no one can believe as I still have the energy of a young pup.

    My uncle adopted another pup from DID a couple of weeks ago and he is only dying to bring him down to meet me as he reckons I will, literally, have a run for my money……….I am in training as we speak.

    I don’t eat furniture now which is something of a blessing for my parents but am prone to the odd sneaky/stolen snack.

    Anyone leaving the kitchen has to do a quick sweep to make sure that there isn’t anything out for the taking.

    Otis (my cat friend who only wishes he was a dog) is my accomplice.


    I worked out during the year what he was up to.

    He knocks things down from the bench to the floor and then sits there to see what I do to them…….then smirks when I am caught/scolded.

    I am on to him and now don’t touch what he knocks (anyway there’s never any food, as he will eat that first and not share)

    Better though, Mum and Dad are on to him!!

    Otis had a bad accident years ago when he was knocked by a car and that is how he lost his tail…….now that he is older he has a few problems and is now on special medicine and diet.

    He would prefer the old food but can’t have it so will now eat anything he can get his hands on so we have to be careful!

    Personally I still think he’s a great target for the odd play fight whenever I feel like it.

    Otis likes it too, I know he does, and has a certain yelp that lets everyone know when I get a bit much and I am asked to stop.

    My biggest brother got married in November and that was really exciting with all the people around.

    I was considered as the ring-bearer but that idea soon got dropped for at least two reasons….

    1. My new sister-in-law just might not like me if I jumped up on her dress


    2. I tend to pee on Americans and there were a few at the wedding

    (Clarification………I have only cocked my leg twice in my life on people and in both instances they happened to be Americans, purely a coincidence, but they weren’t taking any chances)

    Fair enough I suppose!

    They made it even better for me though by having my most favourite person in the world come and live in the house with me for the weekend.

    She is what Mum calls the ‘pet control’ and comes once a week, a lovely lady who de-furrs the house!!!

    I am in love with her as she brings me a treat each week.

    I really didn’t care about the wedding after that!

    My second favourite person in the world is my second big brother and he always plays tennis with me when he’s home (I actually see him as a tennis racquet!!)

    I play till I drop so now they limit me to 10 hits at a time and I have to rest otherwise my brain forgets to work.

    I get a frenzied look in my eyes and can’t think straight with over-exertion and excitement.

    I have learned to bring back the ball and place it on the racquet myself for them otherwise they won’t hit it.

    I have learned lots of ticks.

    Mum says it’s good for my brain.

    I can sit and do a high-five.

    If they put out my food I sit by it and don’t touch it till I am told ………pity that doesn’t extend to when they are out of the kitchen!!

    I am in the process of learning to tidy up by putting my toys back into the toy box but that is a work in progress!!

    If Mum calls ‘In, stop, car’ I am to stand still by the side of the road and not move till she says ‘good boy’……it mostly works but she is always ready just in case.

    We only do that one on country lanes, never on the busy roads as I tend to get a little confused when there is a lot going on…………..I suffer from sensory overload.

    I love my walks and every dog owner in the town knows me.

    I can get even the laziest and grumpiest of dogs to play when I meet them.

    No matter where I walk people smile or talk to me ……….or at the least take a second glance or longer look at me.

    I have a happy demeanour and shiny coat that is much admired……….Mum says that is down to it being buffed up by rolling on the couches!

    My de-stuffing skills have been fine-tuned and I can get into and get out the stuffing in almost anything within seconds.

    Nothing is allowed to have a squeaker!!!

    But my FAVOURITE game is unwrapping!

    Sometimes if Mum is clearing out or has a delivery she will wrap my toy in paper/bubble wrap and celotape it and I get to rip it open………………I LOVE IT.

    As soon as I get it open and my ‘present’ out I drop it at her feet again and again till she rewraps it……I can keep it up for hours.

    If she doesn’t do it immediately I might do my really low voiced howl just to encourage her.

    Oh, and Mum says I understand English.

    She and Dad chat away to me and I pretty well know what they are saying most of the time unless it’s something I don’t want to do then I play dumb.

    I have attached some photos to show you all how lovely I still am Smile

    1. Lying in the morning sun after a de-stuffing session.



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