Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

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    Thanks Yvonne.

    DID Rescue

    Ah Buttons you cute bundle. Delighted to hear you had a holiday I am only a tad jealous ;)
    Lovely photo you got my vote.
    I am not tech enough but put it up on DID facebook and we can get all the DID dogs to vote for their friend :P


    Buttons picture won her a prize of a pet light from ‘Make your dog smile’.
    The picture is on their Facebook page. Jetta is a DID supporter too. Lovely woman. She runs a stall at the Marley park market too.

    Buttons is on a diet again….. :| . We can’t seem to get the balance right of dinner and treats. She knows I’m the soft touch and sticks her head between my knees at the table. I don’t give her a lot but it all adds up. I’m a bad mammy! I put her in the other room and shut the door when I was eating the other day but as soon as she was finished with her dinner she yipped to be let out which I did. I missed her little face looking at me too, I must be strong.

    We a toying with the idea of going abroad next year but it all depends if we can actually leave her. My head wants to go but my heart doesn’t know if I can leave without her. We have no friends or family that would be able to look after her. We know she would be unhappy in kennels and aren’t willing to put her in one. Does anyone know/use someone who is kind and reliable who looks after small dogs in their own home and based on the Southside. Thanks, Audrey.


    I did a little Dog cross stitch in Buttons colours for Christmas. Hope she likes it!


    It just goes to show that you do not need to spend a lot of money to entertain your little darling. I took this of Buttons :lol:




    Happy New Year Buttons and family! Great to see an update – you look smashing and so happy. You are having fun in the video with your ‘toy’ – no scary spiders this year from Santa. ;)


    It’s Button’s second adoption day today :D. She is brilliant. I have taught her many bad habits that I get given out to about but between you and me they make me smile. :lol: We had our first weekend apart last week and it was stressful…..for me. She had a ball with the brilliant Audrey (Luv my fur kids) and her babies. You know even when I’m in work and I think of her I smile and wish I was rubbing her tummy. We are bad parents as she is on another diet! I think it’s more my fault as she looks at me with those big brown eyes and, and I want to make her happy. She’s too clever…. She KNOWS I’m the weak one. I think I’ll start eating in the shed! I’ll give her a big hug tonight and snuggle her. She had a great roll in Fox poo yesterday and ignored my pleas to come. The downside of her joy is her resulting bath. But tonight she will smell and feel wonderful, extra snuggly. Perfect.




    Happy Gotcha Day Buttons…hope to see you again soon


    Ah Buttons you certainly have the great life! :D Now you’ll have to watch that expanding tum tum! Your walkies will be turning into waddlies if your Mum doesn’t eat all her food herself!! :lol: You are well and truly loved and I love seeing a post about "Annie" appear. Delighted you holidayed with Audrey, as finding somewhere you are happy with (and doggies are more happy with) is very stressful, so it’s good to have found somewhere. Can’t believe it’s 2 years – and what a wonderful 2 years. Best thing ever happened to Buttons was to be rescued by DID and find you, her lovely family. Makes me smile. :D :P :D


    Hi Yvonne, it HAS been wonderful. I have to retrain myself!


    Well Ms.Buttons was here with us again the other day and Beau and herself have a mutual admiration society for each other ….

    Love her little ways



    I think it’s looovvvveeee :lol:

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