Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

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    Columbo – that is really funny – made me laugh out loud! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    DID Rescue

    Well done Buttons on winning you do look the part and you are so happy in your home it’s great.
    Just be careful about changing her food it can cause dietry upset when it’s ingredients they are now not used to.
    Cheers and well done.


    Thanks Marie, I would never have thought of that.


    Buttons went on her first holiday with us down the country. She discovered that she really REALLY enjoyed sandy beaches. It was heaven to watch her go mad and race around, you just knew she was having a ball. After the inital trepidation she got her paws wet and then when she found it was lovely went in all the way up to her ankles…. :lol:
    She had her first boat trip in Killarney National park and was so good too.
    We were at a river in Wexford and a little dog was swimming there that she took a liking to, He was swimming in a little inlet of about 6′ across and not deep. She was so eager to get to him she jumped in(!!!!) and swam across to the other side to us (took 10 seconds) but she paddled across, another first.
    Buttons on the beach in Kerry.JPG
    Feel the breeze.JPG
    I know its here somewhere.JPG


    Sailor Buttons
    I am Sailing, I am sailing.JPG


    Well done buttons!!
    As well as show jumping champion we can add championship swimmer to your acolades! What a super dog you are!!

    Great update. :D


    What a super up-date and what a busy little dog you are. I love the image of you standing with the wind blowing in and around your ears. As for swimming, well, heck!


    Buttons has developed a liking for footwear . . . and it’s not to wear!


    Buttons and I did the DSPCA Phoenix park walk last Saturday. She went nuts for the scents in the park. I’ve never seen her so interested in an area, she loved it there. They had an agility course with a really big ramp and she went up it no problem. She seems to like the jumps and tunnels too. I’ll have to do more of it. There was a girl doing a quick brushing and I put Buttons up. She had a great tip saying that if her paws get muddy and you want them to clean them up you can use baby powder. Put it on, leave it a couple of mins then just brush it out.
    I started doing an evening class in Grooming, not to do it professionally, just to keep herself looking good. I’ll pick up tips about nails (which I admit, scare me) and eye care too. I like the idea of being able to clip her myself and look after her that way. She looks so adorable at the moment, so full of curls and cuteness, I’ll be sad to cut them off when the time comes.


    Well Buttons you certainly landed on all 4 paws with your family. I fostered you before you went to your lovely family and you were the most gentle little lady ever. My current foster Dolly, is a very similar temperament and also unfamiliar with toys and play. It’s great to see how Buttons has developed in a few months and is on for everything now! :o (even shoe chewing :? ). I love reading your posts and following Buttons story – what a happy ending! :D :D


    Just spent 15 minutes doing a ‘tailectomy’ on her favourite duck rope toy :lol: after some tug of war. Surgery was successful and ducky is now the proud owner of some nifty stitching with heavy duty thread. I hope Buttons doesn’t miss the tail!




    Buttons has had too much loving and now needs to loose a bit of weight…. She gets a good bit if exercise so I’ll have to restrain myself on the treats. I didn’t think I was overdoing it but the waistline (or lack of it :D )doesn’t lie …. on both of us :lol:


    Button diet is working nicely and her waistline is nearly back to normal. My grooming class is a bit slow and we haven’t done the clipping yet. I’d been waiting to cover it so I could do Buttons but alas her hair volume was so much we had to do something, so I gave it a go. I have to tell you she looks great…. from a distance :lol:


    I wish she wouldn’t like fox poo sooooo much.

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