Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Annie – 1yr old Terrier X *HOMED*

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    Well, Buttons got her beauty treatment and she smelt wonderful for a while after… Anyway she got a hair trim and really needed the hair around her eyes removed. I like her body trim but her face has completely changed and she looks bare there. The poor thing was a bit subdued after but she had been really good while getting the treatment. She’s beginning to be a bit more playful now and has finally discovered the joy of chasing a ball and bringing it back!


    Well Buttons aren’t you the little glamour-puss after your make-over! :)
    She looks so happy – fab photo of you and her on the ground. :D
    It’s great to see photos of her….and to hear she’s starting to play ball :D that’s just great that you’ve all settled so well together.

    Give her a little cuddle from foster mam (but don’t muss up her ‘do’ :o )!!


    Buttons was Spayed last week and was poorly after it, She spent a night in the Vets and came home next day. I kept looking at her empty bed and felt so sad that she wasn’t in it. We collected her the next day and she was much improved. We had noticed that when she slept she liked having her head on something, even up the wall. Since she had her op and we wanted her to be really comfy we bought her a nice new bed that has raised sides and it is a great success – she still snores though! The Vet said she didn’t need the Cone around her neck as she wasn’t interested in her wound… and it hasn’t bothered her a bit. It took her a few days to get back to normal but she’s in wonderful form now and will have her stitches out on Tuesday. We had been going to basic training and she was very quick picking up, it’s us who need the training!


    Buttons got her hair cut the other day, she had a lot of it and it was too much for her. we had had her booked in for a groom a few weeks ago but we got the call about her getting spayed and had to cancel. Well she’s a lot cooler now. She has a new hobby… digging holes in the garden when we are out in the back with her. She dug one the other day and had clay all over her face. Priceless. We bought her a new bed and some nights she can’t decide if she wants out of it or to stay in it so she chooses both and is half in and half out! (see Pic)
    Buttons in bed.jpg
    Before groom.jpg


    :D 8-)


    We had one of those balls that you put treats in and your doggie pushes it around and the food falls out. Well she had no interest in it at all for ages. I’d put a treat in the hole trying to encourage her to associate the ball with food. Lately I would get her to touch the ball and give her a treat when she touched (training classes have proved useful to both of us!)it and lo and behold she’s got the hang of it at last. It gives me such a thrill when she achieves something new and gets fun out of it. We’re doing Bark in the Park in Marley on Sunday. We were watching dogs on the TV and Buttons was very interested. She just couldn’t figure out why there was no dog behind the TV, it was so funny.
    After groome2.jpg
    Where’s that doggie.jpg


    We all went to The Blue Cross ‘Bark in the Park’ in Marley today. It was a really good day and Buttons won ‘Happiest Smile’. I was chuffed, there were lots of dogs there and she took the prize. She won herself a bag of food that will keep her happy for ages.
    Buttons WINNER of Happiest smile.jpg
    kiss kiss.JPG


    :D Many congratulations on your win – got lots to smile about now 8-)


    This is the result of ‘Bark in the Park’ :lol:
    Dog tired.jpg


    One is clearly shattered :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Simple pleasures.


    :lol: :lol:


    I keep thinking ‘Columbo’. !!! :lol:


    We all went the agility taster with Wonder paws this morning. Buttons was pretty good for a first timer and managed all the obstacles. I’m looking forward to being able to do it with her off lead.


    Buttons what a great life you are having! Congratulations on winning the ‘Happiest Smile’ competition. :D Comes as no surprise really as you are one happy little girl. Great to see Buttons’ progress….

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