Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED*

Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Annabelle – Boxer x girlie *HOMED*

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    I have a few pics over due… Annabelle is snoring like a train beside me after a crazy half hour play in the garden and a full belly. You can see from the pics how much she has bulked up in last 3weeks! Shes a cracker…
    puppy face.
    our first sleep on couch haha.
    bed rolling


    Well its official iv created a monster :lol: Thinking im clever with all my new knowledge from my course etc i have conquered Annabelle’s fear of the stairs!!!! Wait dont clap yet…. i have paid the price by sharing my bed with her the last 2 nites! :roll: She now loves running up and down the stairs, but secretly im so proud of her! Her playful side is so funny and everyday she does something new to make us all laugh. Firing the kong toy at the door to get my sisters attention is the latest trick and if my mam not paying her enough attention she runs of with her slippers up the back of the graden so she has to follow her :lol: To get my attention in the morn before work she runs off with my ‘spare’ toothbrush and if i wet it she curls her lips and lets me brush her gnashers..haha i cant manage a snap of it yet but il try.. its ‘you’ve been framed’ material! :mrgreen:


    Well we had a visitor yesterday and Annabelle was amazing fun… A friend of family came by with her 4yr old daughter who is well used to big dogs as they have a couple! Annabelle did not once jump up on her and was oh so gentle and sweet with her! :D She didnt try steal her goodies that she sat eating in front of her, tho Belle had a puddle of drool haha. Then when the little girl was sat colouring Annabelle a picture she creeped up behind her and ever so gentley pulled the crayons out of her fingers 8-) She really was the complete opposite i imagined her to be.. now we did make a conscience effort not to over excite Belle as she gallops about like a horse! She is just the best girl ever… never seizes to amaze me!


    Annabelle got washed and dried tonight as she needed a good scrub after some muddy walks and is now at the end of heat we hope. She is sparkling white…. and smells so fresh!! She looks like a new dog… every day the local walkers comment on how well she looks and how beautiful she is ;) ya have to meet this baby to appriciate what a diamond in the rough she really is.


    Annabelle has a date tomor with the handsome and ever so charming Ted…. 8-) If the pair hit it off my princess my have a new castle to live in very soon! :(
    This could be a rags to riches story for my ‘baby Belle’ so il be crossing everything for her.


    Well what can i say.. Annabelle met Ted twice at the weekend… It was like watching Katherine Lynch chat up Prince Charming :lol: her manners left alot to be desired. :oops: Ted has the patience of a saint and was trying his best to give Annabelle the rules of play but she just zoned out! We hope with some training they will be the best of buddies soon… Luckily for her Ted might give her another chance lets hope she doesnt blow it again!!


    My beautiful girl is going to her fairy tale family tomor :cry: We are confident that some training and doggie day care will help her learn to play bit less rough with her new big bro Ted. :roll: There will be snots and tears tomor as i am so smitten with Annabelle but i know i couldnt have wished for a better home for her and she will be given the life she deserves. I have promised to stalk her new family for updates :lol: and we hope Annabelle will come visit us at the seaside again one day! All her doggie pals from her walks will miss her…. not as much as we will tho! ;)


    well done jo she will be fine fingers and paws crossed for her :D
    you will be heart broken but you did a great job looking after her and your mam and sister :D


    My big baby left us yesterday and there were tears :( mixed emotions tho cos her new mom Raedi is lovely and she now has a big bro Ted( Alsatian Cross) and a half sister Edie (kittyKat)…
    The update from last nite was she had a lovely walk with Ted and was well behaved. She is following Ted everywhere and he has put her in her a place a few times :roll: Annabelle done some bed swapping with Ted so i hope they got some sleep! I cant wait to see her again soon and we’ve already arranged that she’ll come for sleepovers to the seaside. In our hearts she was the best dog we have ever have had the pleasure of having in our lives and we will never forget her…BE HAPPY BABY BELLE!!!


    Firstly, a huge thanks to Joanne and her sister Caroline for taking such great care of Annabelle! They did a fantastic job and we really appreciate it (especially the ‘toilets’ training!!)
    Annabelle is settling in here with Ted. They absolutely adore each other all ready and are quickly learning each others play. They gallop along next to each other making very growly noises and tumble around like little wrestlers. Annabelle is shadowing Ted alot, I think it’s a great boost to his ego to have a cute young pup idolising him!
    Today was my first day leaving them on their own for a few hours. When I came back Annabelle was very keen to show me how she had redecorated the kitchen, this included moving the couch ( :shock: ), emptying out the compost bin and eating a bag of bombay mix and a loaf of brown bread. She was thrilled about it, Ted was looking awfully guilty, still a bit of training to do :lol: I’m bringing them for a visit down home next week, to Cork, so we’ll see how she gets on with ducks and hens and various other animals, I’ve every confidence that she will do me proud (hopefully ;) )



    Just had to say I love your little posts about Annabelle!! She looks likes such a sweet heart and reading her stories makes me laugh. . .an cringe all at the same time. I came home to a few decorating jobbies when I first got my lad until I crate trained him. He decided to strip the paint off the kitchen door and to do away with some of the kitchen press handles and to move the kitchen table and chairs not to mention the fruit that went missing from the fruit bowl, the bread, the tube of pringles. . . the little wooden duck family that used to reside on the window ledge! Even though you may not always laugh at the time its those stories that make you laugh later on! Our 2nd little DID doggie is a pure angel and I used to be amazed when I came home and everything was as I left it!
    Still love them both the same though! Its just part of what makes them so special!! Best of luck with her I am sure you will have loads of laughter with her in your life!


    I love the 3rd pic down :D this is annabelle’s way of lunging around the house- she so relaxed doing it! I would have killed to be fly on the wall when they were home alone….. and i know for a fact annabelle is the bad influence on Ted in this case, she is full of mischief and now has a partner in crime! I can also imagine Edie (the cat) watching from the window ledge at the gruesome twosome being so childish to her :lol: Id say it was a skit from ‘keeping up appearences’ Edie is Ms Bucket, Annabelle & Ted are like Onzlo and Rose in her eyes…hahaha :lol:
    Aw im so pleased they are best buddies now and cant wait to hear what mischief she causes on the farm 8-)
    My Belle really has had a fairytale ending and im the happiest foster mom ever!


    I just had Annabelle stay for a week while her family were on holiday and her big bro Ted was in Cork. As i working longer hrs we had her at ‘Doggie- Daycare’ in DogTrainingIreland during week days and well she just adored it.
    I have to say i cant believe in 9weeks since i took her -a skinny, under socialised, smelly and nervous wreck just how much she has developed and come on. Her mom Raedi has done an amazing job as well as her big bro Ted! ;)
    I am really sad letting her go again as my little shadow for the week was such a good girl. Still snorring and blowing off :lol: very lady like!!But the biggest joy to have. It really makes the hard work worthwhile.
    Stay happy and healthy my gorgeous annabelle.


    Annabelles families circumstances have changed and she now needs urgent foster. This is really urgent. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)

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