Angie Mastif x

Angie Mastif x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Angie Mastif x

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    Some pic’s of this happy hound…..

    and wrestling with Jackson


    this is this little girl when she was with me


    and here she is with my lab


    how old is angie??? she is GORGEOUS!!! :D


    angie is about 4 months old and yes she is a real beauty! and quite a character too!


    Well me and Angie went for a walk this evening. She was really well behaved on the lead and caught the attention of a few passer by’s.. She wasnt to sure about going walking on her own at first and normally she has one of the other doggys as company.


    Well the lovely Angie left here this morning to head off to her new home… Alan came and collected her while all the family waited back at home for there new arrival..
    I know she will be well spoilt rotten and wish her the very best in luck with her new family and in life..
    Ive been promised loads of updates as she is growing so will sit patiently and wait.. :D :D


    well alan said the little lady snoozed all the way home in the car :lol:
    she looked fab in her red collar and the kids were sooooo excited to meet her :D she has been fantastic , loving all the attention , such a gentle little girl and so well behaved . she is lying on her bed by the fire as i type . she seems to approve of her crate as she has been coming and going and took her treat in there to eat it , she wasnt sharing lol . we fed her when she came home , alan got the food on the way . the kids and alan took her for a walk in the fields surrounding the house and she was very well behaved on the lead . we are all thrilled with her :D will keep you updated and will pop up some pics xxx

    thanks again


    Thanks Louise for the brilliant update.. Delighted she travelled in the car well on the way home and sounds like she has settles in already….
    Cant wait to see pic’s with the family when she has settled a bit more. You can email them to me if you have any problems uploading them. My email address is

    Thanks again for giving her a brilliant home :D


    im so happy for angie and her new family! i wish them every happiness together


    Am Delighted for Alan and the family. I know Angie will be well looked after! Hope You enjoy every minute of it and best of luck for the future!

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