I just wanted to send you a couple of pictures of Tilly, she was part of a litter called "Berties Girls" there was 5 girl and i adopoted the runt of the litter she was called little angle and i renamed her Tilly, she turned 4 in July 21st and she is doing super! she is still a little brat and rules the house!
The Pictures attached are of her on her birthday eating doggie birthday cake! and taken over my bed! t4.JPG t3.JPG t2.JPG t1.JPG
So great to see an update on my baby!!! She looks great and so happy with her pup cake! Doesn’t feel like 4 years ago when Angel and her siblings were here for weeks before they found their forever homes! They were dumped on the river road in a cardboard box one cold morning at only 5 weeks old…they couldnt even walk or eat properly. Here are some pics of them back then…. bertiesgirls.jpg angel now 1.jpg