Angel JRT – Update

Angel JRT – Update

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Angel JRT – Update

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    Angel has been living with us permanently since the end of November and every day has been a joy to wake up with her. She is an absolute dote of a dog and thankfully everyone who meets her thinks the same. She has really come out of herself and follows me everywhere. She love her teddy bears and will play with them non stop at times, pouncing on them and dragging them with her back paws before leaping on them again.

    She has a huge persoanility for such a tiny dog. Angel loves going for her daily walks on the beach. Every morning for a good hour on Portmarnock beach. She likes to mingle with other dogs and for the most part gets on well with them, trying to play chase with them until she decides enough is enough. When enough is enough she sure does let them know by barking.

    Anyway here are a couple of photos of my beautiful little girl.


    She is gorgeous. :D Glad to hear she is getting on so well. :D


    Some more photos of Angel.

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