Angel – 2yr old Pointer *HOMED*

Angel – 2yr old Pointer *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Angel – 2yr old Pointer *HOMED*

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    This is so wonderful to see how Angel learns to smile again!
    Well done and keep up the good work.
    Really impressing story.


    Yesterday Angel had her first experience on the beach! She was very curious and made sure she sniffed every stone there!
    She never new how to play with other dogs or humans but that is starting to change. ;)
    She loves being chased by Jackie or by one of us! She had a ball of a time playing in the sand and chasing waves! :lol:

    Angel loves company, loves her cuddles and kisses! She is a very affectionate lady!
    This lady has come a long way since she has been in the care of DID.

    She is great with other dogs and just walks away if she finds an aggressive dog. Very street wise lady!! :D
    She is ready and waiting for her forever family!

    Are you her forever family?


    Angel is progressing really well. Everyday she gets more confident and we see a different side of her.
    She has found her voice!!! She has a lovely deep bark especially when there is someone close to the rear wall in our back yard! You you think there was a massive dog if you were on the other side!! :lol:

    She is starting to learn how to play with us and other dogs. She likes to be chased and she has some speed!!

    Jacky is working his magic and continues to irritate her until she plays with him!! :D

    She is just a gentle soul with no bad bone at all! Loves her pets and cuddles. When she doesn’t get enough of it she just keeps poking you with her wet nose until you give her what she needs!!

    In the park we walk her off lead and she is brilliant with other dogs and children of all ages. Children seem to be attracted to her!! :D
    She is fully lead trained and he recall is pretty good. Also she doesn’t really stray off too far! Likes to keep us in view at all times.

    Only thing now is for her forever family to pick this gorgeous lady up!

    Inga and Raj


    Just a few more pictures of this gorgeous lady!! :D


    What a wonderful day! Glorious weather outside and most importantly, Angel has found her forever family.
    She will be heading off to the new family in a few hours!

    Sally, GSD/Lab X will be happy to show her the rules of the house!
    We are really happy that Angel is going to the perfect family who rescued their previous dogs as well.

    We are going to miss you girl!!!

    Raj, Inga and Kaja


    Fantastic news…you did an amazing job…thank you so much :D


    Angel has left the building!!! :)

    Hope she settles in fine.


    Its always emotional for me when one of the dogs I know so well gets its forever home. I will miss you Angel and hope you have a wonderful life. Inga and Raz have done such a wonderful job…I was up with them last Monday and the last of Angel’s uncertainty had completely gone and she wanted to hog all the attention and pets and treats :lol: It actually took that long for her to be the complete package that she now is…for her new family to enjoy. Will be gasping for updates :D A wonderful dog…..Fianna x


    Congratulations Rubi27 on turning out a beautiful dog. I met Angel at the Irish Liquidators Family/Adoption Day and she was just lovely. The pictures of her now, she’s far different from the wreck she was from the over-breeding. Looking at her eyes in the early pics was so depressing but she was so different by the time I met her. You did Angel and DID proud.


    I am delighted to let you all know that Angel is settling in really well in her new forever home. Raj and Inge did such a wonderful job with her, she was able to come to us and remain confident and secure. We are so delighted she is a part of our family. We took her for a long walk in Malahide Castle grounds this morning with our old lady Sally. Angel has taken a shine to Sallys bed, but Sally does not mind. They both enjoy their food, and we play ball with Sally to encourage Angel to join in, but its early days. She did bark today which was amazing when she is only 30 hours with us. It was a lovely deep rich bark. Will post more photos soon.


    What a following of people you have Angel 8-) Stand to attention Angel’s family – YOU must have thousands of eyes looking at you now :lol: :lol: :lol: . Angel, long may your happy ending last, you have much to enjoy :D


    News update. Angel is settling in here far better than we had ever hoped. She is barking, and exploring the garden, and joining us in the sitting room having a lovely big stretch. She is stronger on the lead and takes all my strength to keep her close. Right now she is in her bed beside me having a snooze after her walk. I got her a bone in the butchers, but it wasnt great, so she was not impressed. He will have some lamb bones on Thursday, so I will go back then. Angel has become one of the family, and thanks to Raj and Inge, she is very happy.


    :D Ah Angela your ‘Happy ever after’ has begun. Best wishes to you and your new family. I’ll be watching out for updates. :lol:


    Angel is one week with us today. She seems to be very happy and we are very happy with her. She thoroughly enjoyed her lamb bones you can see in the photo. Our walks are getting interesting because she is so strong and we are teaching her to stop before crossing the road. She is pretty good when we tell her to sit and she has been excellent travelling in the car. We all feel she has always been part of our family.
    angel with a bone.JPG


    Another nice story. I hope all the DID dogs find their way to their own special families where they will be loved and cared for.

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