Angel – 2yr old Pointer *HOMED*

Angel – 2yr old Pointer *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Angel – 2yr old Pointer *HOMED*

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    Angel is a 2 year old Pointer X.
    She is wormed, microchiped, fully vaccinated and neutered.

    Angel came into the pound in awful condition.
    She was extremely under weight, heavily bred from, covered in fleas Angel had a growth on her head that although harmless it must have been uncomfortable!!

    Since then she has thrived and you can read all about her progress here

    If you would like to apply to adopt Angel please go to the "adopt a dog" section in the tabs at the top of this page or click here
    There you will find all the information on the adoption procedure and the adoption application to be downloaded.


    Angel on her way to her foster home :D


    Angel has arrived in her new foster home! She is very shy but that has not stopped Jacky from introducing himself and making her feel at home. She had a nice warm bath, flea treatment and is snuggled up in bed waiting for lunch to be served!


    Firstly, great job to Marie, Fianna, Kathy and everyone at DID for give her a second chance at life. As Fianna mentioned, she was the most depressed dog i have ever seen as well. Total shutdown and given up on life. She seem to be waiting for her end. :cry:

    Today, its a different story though!!! She is starting to warm up to all of us and explore her new surroundings. I was surprised to be greeted at the door this morning by an Angel! Unlike yesterday, where we had to pull her out of her crate to feed her, she was out and waiting for her food this morning!
    She is starting to get the idea that there is hope!!! :) Thanks to the DID Team!!!

    photo 2.JPG


    I am soooo happy to be greeted by Angel at the door the kitchen door. She was up and waiting for me. She was pacing around the kitchen as I was preparing her food.
    She has very healthy appetite.
    She is still shy but when exploring the garden she is sniffing around and is very interested her new surroundings with her tail high in the air. This lady is coming out of her shell and is not looking as depressed as she did when she first arrived. There have been several attempts to raid the kitchen counter but looks like Raj learnt his lesson!! :D

    Pics will follow soon


    Fantastic news and well done to you both for your great care. It’s probably the first time she’s received love and affection and it just goes to show how important these things are to an animal. Looking forward to her new pics :D


    Angel has taken her first steps in the outside world the last 2 days. We took her on short walks to the park with Jacky on Friday. She walks very well on the lead, taking her time to sniff everything and anything! :)

    Yesterday we took her out to a walking trail. She walked very well and was not bothered by the presence of other dogs or people. She enjoyed the fresh air.

    She has started wagging her tail when she sees us, never thought I would see that so soon! Her energy level seems to be up since the walks.

    Her potty training is progressing very well too!

    She is such a gentle and calm dog!
    Here are some pictures of her progress and adventures!
    photo 2.JPG
    photo 1.JPG


    Here are some pictures of her on her walk!
    photo 4.JPG
    photo 3.JPG


    Oh wow!!! She looks so much better already. :D :D :D Well done, Raj and Inga – you are obviously giving her the care and love she so badly needs – and so richly deserves! :D :D Delighted for you, Angel. :D


    Just met the beautiful Angel in the dog park and what a sweet dog she is. Nervous at first but so happy to have a run and a play with my Beagle girl Bubba. She is being looked after so well and her transformation shows the great work her fosterers have done. If I could I would jump at the chance of offering her a home but with two doggies already, we need a bigger house! Theres not a bad bone in this dogs body after all she has been through, I hope she finds a super home.


    Angel had a first experience in the dog park over the weekend.
    She was apprehensive at first but warmed up to all the other dogs very quickly. She enjoyed her run around with Bubba.
    She is great on the lead and enjoys the car rides.

    She put on some weight, is way more energetic and just soooo sweet :)


    Just a quick update on Angel’s progress!!

    Her potty training is coming along very well. With some positive training, she tapped on the back door the other day as she wanted to ease herself. That’s a huge progress for her as she was not always confused on why she was let out every few hours! :?

    She is loving her walks and run in the dog park! She is starting to respond when called as well.

    Inga, Kaja & Raj
    Give Me my food!!!.JPG


    Angel is almost 100% now thanks to Inga, Raj & Jackies extra special care. She is due to be spayed next week and will also need extra surgery as she was so heavily bred from :x Its just amazing what foster families can do for these poor dogs…thank you :D


    Visited the beautiful Angel today :D What a fantastic result :!: Hardly recognised her from the sad depressed skinny dog that I left there. Raj and Inge have done a marvellous job; she is a good weight with all that depression lifted from her face. But Jacky has played a huge part :) Its the power of the pack; when Angel is a little unsure in the house with strangers, Jacky is there to show her that human is ok. And outside the house, Raj and Inge say that Angel has given Jacky the confidence to stretch his range! Wonderful :!: Will be keeping fingers and paws crossed for a smooth op next week. Angel is a wonderful chilled calm girl who will make a family a super gentle friend for life in return for lots of love :D Fianna


    We dropped Angel at the vet this morning to be spayed and for a tummy tuck :). She was not too impressed as she didnt want to go through the front door at the vet’s! Eventually we managed to convince her that she will be in very good hands.

    We got a call from the Vet this afternoon saying that all went well and she is rcovering from the surgery.
    They are keeping her overnight for observtion but there i nothing to worry about.
    Jacky has been sitting in her crate all day waiting for her return! :cry: Not even interested in joining us in the living room as he normally would!!

    We hope to bring her home tomorrow! Hope she sleeps well tonight!

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