Alf – Terrier X 7 wks old *HOMED*

Alf – Terrier X 7 wks old *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Alf – Terrier X 7 wks old *HOMED*

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    Well Alf is the only one left , he has someone coming on Monday to meet him so fingers crossed . He is Effie’s b.f.f until then ;) and she will be lost without her little friends :cry: . Alf is a fantastic little man and would make a wonderful pet for anyone !!


    Well Alf is still with me but he is really enjoying keeping Effy company his house training is great dry every morning ;) , he cant wait for his food still but he is learning to sit and wait till I’m ready ! :roll: . I took away the stair gate and he loves going up stairs but HATES coming down :oops: ,,, I know his perfect forever family are out there and its worth waiting for them.
    Alf went up stairs and wouldnt come down !!.JPG


    Alf has found his forever family …..they are coming to collect him on Wednesday…..He told me he is feeling a little sad to leave Effy who has minded him well but he is soooooo very excited about going to his forever home!


    Congrats Alf and to your forever family. I do hope you keep up the roving reporting! ;)


    Well Alf went off with his new family :( , but i know he will be very very happy and he is moving around the corner from my house so maybe i might bump into him sometime,, Have a happy life my chunky chap xxx . ;) .


    Well Alf has settled in really well. Did lots of exploring and so I think he is a very tired boy tonight. He is fast asleep at my feet now. I will post some photos in the next few days :D :roll: Alf aka Alfie say nite nite to Sandra and Effy xxx


    Just an update on Alfie. He has settled in really well, its like he was always here. Sooo affectionate and just loves cuddles, will be on a lap any chance he gets and will lie in my arms just like a baby! Here are some pics
    Sept 2010 036.JPG


    That’s great and he looks so very dashing in his new collar! :D


    Ow he looks so handsome , yes he is a big baby and loves his cuddles , thanks for the up date its always great to see them and look how big they are getting,,, Effy is really missing him :( ..



    Well Alfie is very much part of the family. He has grown a good bit since we got him and is a real little personality. He is soo happy to see us when we come in his whole body wags! He barks his head off when we are getting his food ready and gobbles it all up. He really is a big baby, loves his bed and lots of rubs and cuddles. He is a really big sock and shoe thief so we have to keep a close eye on him. He will even try to lift a boot thats nearly bigger than him, soo funny as he cant get very far with it but will try anyway! Heres a pic of him taken today with his new toy! (its nearly as big as him) :lol:
    Alfie 009.JPG



    Just wanted to give a long overdue update on Alfie(Alf). He is getting on great, a gorgeous little dog! Fabulous temperament, really gentle and affectionate, a real people doggie!

    My daughter has been able to teach him lots of tricks like giving the paw, begging but we dont like to call it that, we just say ‘up nicey’ so cute. He’ll lie down and roll over, she gets great fun out of him. And if he does something bold and is told to get into his bed he runs across the floor and jumps into the bed and because its on a tiled floor it slides a few feet when he lands in it, soo funny!

    He loves to chase birds in the garden, they drive him mad, and when he wags his tail his body bends in the middle. He has quite a long body and short legs, definitely think theres a bit of a daschund in him. Anyway, here are some recent pictures of him in the snow and one of him relaxing on the couch with my son :D
    snow with alfie 001.JPG
    snow with alfie 013.JPG
    camera 14-1-11 011.JPG


    Ah Joan he is grown up to be a beautiful boy…..but his whole pack were all stunners so Im not surprised.
    Give him a big cuddle from me, Rossi and Tess.


    Aw he is so big ,, I’m delighted to see him glad everyone is happy ,, Thanks for the update its always great to see and hear about them .



    Heres a very long overdue update on Alfie aka Alf!!!

    He is now a big strong boy, a bit long and sausage like in the body with a beautiful glossy coat, the cutest little guy you ever saw :D

    He just loves his sleep which you can see from one of the photos and see him sporting a bandana in some interesting ways, a very fashion conscious doggy!

    I can safely say that Alfie is the very centre of our family. He’s a really social dog, loves meeting anybody, canine or human, he’s a very happy and contented little guy 8-)


    Alfie great to see to you all grown up……love kisses and licks from us all here.

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