Adviced Needed Please – Is it time for an additional dog?

Adviced Needed Please – Is it time for an additional dog?

New Home Forums DID Dogs Advice Adviced Needed Please – Is it time for an additional dog?

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    We are considering looking for a second dog. We’ve had Angel since 2008 and she’s a great little lady. I can’t help but wonder of late though would she like company. She always seems to bark or pine when in the car and she passes another dog, or when out walking in the estate and she’s off the lead, she runs to the back gate of people’s homes and starts sniffing. It was only when the postman said earlier this week that’s she’s probably looking for other dogs that it twigged with me, she might actually like company. What’s the best way of finding out how she’d cope with a second dog in the home? I know when we took her in first she didn’t settle when we tried fostering but perhaps that was an insecurity thing and now she’s a well adjust girl she might fair well. With so many pups coming in and that have been rescued this week, I can’t help but wonder if it’s time to take in another dog. What advice can you offer please?

    DID Rescue

    Hi Niamh,
    Glad to hear you are both well and Angel is doing fine.
    I remember her at first and yes you are right she was one that really needed time and space to get herself sorted.
    I am sure by now she has developed a sense of security and confidence and knows that she is safe.
    You need to make a list of what her preferences are as in male, female, young, playful etc. and it will help narrow it down.
    What age is Angel now?


    Hi, I was in the same as you two years ago and that is why I decided to foster dogs before I got my wonderful Bonnie, fostering allowed me to see how we would all get on with a second dog and yet not committing myself to it if it did not work out, it was not long before we discovered that we and Dexter were well ready for a second dog and now I am back fostering again.


    Hi Niamh,
    How does she get on with other dogs in general? If she seems fine with dogs when she is out and about, do you know anyone that has a dog that could visit you in your home to see how she reacts to another dog being in ‘her’ house? If you do this, just watch out for signs that she might be stressed/uncomfortable. If you feel that she is ok with another dog in the house, maybe you can think about another dog. If you decide to get another dog, make sure that she meets the dog before you bring it home….somewhere outside of the home first so that you can guage her reaction to the dog.
    It can be a big thing for a dog to have another dog coming into their house and it is important that you take your time deciding what type, age & sex of dog you get.
    Best of luck though!!


    Marie, she stole our hearts immediately and is still such an integral part of our family – she comes pretty much everywhere with us. I think it took about a year before her poor nerves fully settled and then she was a like a pup all over again – it was really lovely to see. She was about 2/3 when we took her in and I reckon she’s now 5/6.
    She has become such a confident little lady. She does still have moments where she gets very nervous and every so often, thankfully not too often, she will shake with her nerves and that really saddens us especially when we don’t know the cause of it. It’s usually down to loud noises and rain and wind. She definitely is secure in herself and knows she belongs here. She’s a real pampered pooch but in the best way.
    She has bouts of playfulness and times when she doesn’t want to know about anything, choosing to just sit and sleep or be cuddled. It doesn’t seem to bother her too much when we meet other dogs be they young or old. Sometimes she’s lively and interested in playing with other dogs, then other times she just doesn’t want to know and will make it known. That’s what I love about her, she knows what she does and doesn’t want and makes it known.
    There a pup on the road who is let out to roam whenever it wants, thankfully its not out too often. This pup has come into our house a couple of times and Angel hasn’t once been put out. She did let a little yelp today when the pup approached her food but she really didn’t seem too bothered apart from that.
    Thanks Lou for the sound advice. There is a lot to think about and I’m not going to just jump in and adopt, it has to be right for us all. Angel comes first after all.

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