Abbey – Golden Lab

Abbey – Golden Lab

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Abbey – Golden Lab

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    Name: Abbey

    Reference Number: 49


    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Finglas

    Date Out: 19th January 2009


    walked this beauty today, he is soo good, happy to be out and very smart, knows a few commands and great with all the dogs:)


    Oscar is also very good with children :D There was a few of them around him today and there wasnt a bother on him. :D


    Lovely girl, now in foster care !


    Abbey is still in Ashton, Issac got out instead. ;)


    Abbey is a lovely happy friendly Lab :D She is strong on the lead at first,then calms down.Loves everyone. :D


    Offer of foster here if we can arrange transport to harolds cross


    foster home offered with us if anyone can help with transport to harolds cross!!


    well we picked abbey up this morning from the pound, she was so good in the car not sick at all! She came home and had a good sniff around the house (i’m sure she could still smell Bailey) but has been too scared to go up the stairs so far but i’m sure she will relax later. We gave her a bath which was tons of fun as she was very good but think we ended up with more water on us than she did! Will post pics soon and keep everyone posted on her!


    Well Abbey has been with us for two days now. Shes has settled right in and is so cuddly! She absolutely loves attention! She is so dosile (and lazy) and very well behaved. Abbey just loves being in a room with you snuggled up on her bed or on the couch with you! We are trying to bring her on runs as she has a bit of weight to lose and she is on chicken and rice for this week as her tummy is a bit dodgy after the pound. Abbey has kennel cough the poor babe, giving her benelyn for kids and honey to sooth her throat which she absolutely loves! Abbey is very responsive to commands and loves her walkies although she pulls a lot at first we are trying to lead train her a bit! All and all i think we hit the jackpot again with the fostering! Such a lovely dog i’m sure she will be snapped up! Here are a few pictures of her!

    "what do you mean they dont let dogs on the rugby team?!"
    "oh i’m so glad your home i’ve missed you!"
    "i’m such a poser i know, but when your this cute you can get away with it!"
    "wow what a long walk! I’m wrecked i think i’ll sleep right here, ahh"!


    Heres a few pics of Abbey in the snow last night, she was so excited kept slipping all over the place!


    Is Abbie still in need of a home?


    Yes she is still looking for a forever home


    I’ve sent you a PM so :)


    Well Abbey is just back from being spayed. Shes so dopey its so cute! She is a bit wobbly with the cone and gets a little agrivated when she wants to turn around and bumps it into something. Shes is doing very well and is an absolute dote! She should be going to her forever family this weekend if all goes well! Heres a few pics I just took of her before she fell asleep!

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