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October 1, 2010 at 1:49 pm #101134
MemberGreat news that she will be reunited with her brothers and sisters, she is definitely the fighter of the pack now. Glad to see things are going well.
October 1, 2010 at 8:27 pm #100459carol08
MemberIts great having all the d,i,d 6 back together. Daisy came home got in the box with the rest of the D gang and went straght 2 sleep
She will be on antibotics for a week then trashing the house
October 2, 2010 at 11:02 am #100902Indianna
MemberHow are you going to convince Daisy dog that antibiotic tablets are a good idea? Excellent news that she is home where she belongs, bit of a scare though.
October 2, 2010 at 2:23 pm #100562carol08
Memberim mashing them up tiny an putting them in her bottle
as from thursday they will be trashing kathys house
its been great looking after the d,i,d 6 and kathy the best woman 2 finish the raring of them and geting them ready 4 new homes im goin 2 miss them sooooooooooooooo much but il get SLEEP again
October 2, 2010 at 4:29 pm #100520Indianna
MemberYou will miss them for sure but that golden thread that connects to home can never be broken. Whoever adopts them will have to keep you informed of their antics. Enjoy sleep, its a great thing, you will feel like a new woman. I wonder if the person who dumped the puppies ever thinks about them, I sort of think they must. All very odd but they did put them in a good place. Why they just couldn’t have knocked on your door and asked for your help is beyond me. Doesn’t matter, the puppies are good and will be cared for, that is all that matters.
October 3, 2010 at 2:39 pm #101605carol08
MemberWell Indianna you should be in my house today as I am starting to ween the DID 6 its like they have taken mud baths
they sit in, it crawl in it they eat it off each other its so funny to watch
im puting it’s on my fingers for them so they get the taste but as puppy’s they like to make a mess,,,
they are getting the hang of eating aisy was the first to take to eating then they all followed poor Dolly has not got the hang of it yet but i’me sure she will soon
October 3, 2010 at 6:42 pm #101615Indianna
MemberThank you Carol, I would love to be with you and the SIX at these happy (mucky) times. I can ‘see’ it all happening with your wonderful descriptions. I am so glad Miss Daisy was one of the first to taste solid food, what a spirit, she is destined for greatness I think. It fairly makes my heart jump when I see a new message relating to the DID six. Will you be able to visit them when they move onto the next bit of their journey? I do feel for you. Foster people are great. I have said before, I could never do it. I wouldn’t be able to do the parting bit, even if they are still and always will be under the care of the great DID team.
October 5, 2010 at 6:34 pm #91235kaydoyle
MemberThese little angels are doing great and are thriving under Carols fantastic care
oct pups 621.jpg
oct pups 622.jpg
October 5, 2010 at 6:54 pm #91177Indianna
MemberFantastic to see the DID Six getting torn into some food. Who is the puppy with her legs all over the dish, as if to say, ‘its all mine, get off’
. Who was using the spoon to eat with, very polite!
I know Domino and Daisy have the patches, can you identify the others. They look in very good condition, they are 3 weeks old today, are they or is it four? I should really just look back to the first posting and get that answer myself. I am sure Nellie would love a little pal to bring up in the ways of Nellie
. Teaching proper cat and bird chasing, what to do to get treats and how to charm the pants off everyone. She would be a very good teacher!
October 5, 2010 at 7:15 pm #91164Mutley
MemberGood grief, now THAT’S how to feed puppies!
You’ve done a great job with them, well done.
October 5, 2010 at 8:27 pm #90582carol08
MemberThats Donimo all over the plate and to the right of him is Dora. She has the brown head, then Dolly she has a black head, then its Dots she has a dot each side of her head. Then its Dee she has a dot on one side an a hugh patch on other side of head and then its poor Daisy on the floor im sure she had the spoon
she thinks she posh
Its been great lookin after the D.I.D 6 and they were 3 weeks yesterday. Tomorrow is my last day with the 6 and I’m going to make the most of it before my tears on Thursday
Then Kathy will take over and I know Kathy will take very good care of the babys as she bought every one in her house slippers so no one stands on puppys
Have to say a hugh thanks to Kathy and D.I.D for their help,, the D.I.D. 6 would not be alive today with out their help.
October 6, 2010 at 7:53 am #101621Indianna
MemberIts lovely to be able to put names to little JRT forms. I must say they are very well named, I hope their future families keep their names – I would!!! Give them another 3 weeks and they will be all over the place, up curtains, down holes and everwhere in between. I wonder how much damage all six could do at the same time to a chair or a carpet. Quite a lot I suspect, they will want to kill everything. Oh, its a very exciting time now that they will start to explore and find things like shoes or a hoover. They will be a bit alarmed until they muster their courage and be brave enough to ‘tackle’ whatever it is they have found. Just wait until they start barking!!! I am making myself smile at the thought of them barking, little bottoms in the air, front legs stretched out so they can pretend they are nearer an object than they really are and can run away in a split second just in case. Love the up-dates and Carol get yourself a big bar of chocolate and a very big box of tissues for tomorrow, I will be thinking of you, you are a star.
October 6, 2010 at 8:24 am #101626Dowlingca
MemberWell done Carol what a great job you have done DID were lucky when you came on board as a volenteer, they are absolute beauties and I am sure there will be no problem finding forever homes them.
October 6, 2010 at 10:01 am #101630JenB
MemberWow!!! Fair play to ya!!! They look great!!!
October 6, 2010 at 11:28 am #101637ColganFamily
MemberCarol, you just HAVE to win fosterer of the month for September!! You must be so proud and happy to have brought these babies so far. I will be thinking of both you and Kathy tomorrow. A good stiff drink – and the aforementioned chocolate – will help. Really, really well done.
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