6 terrier x puppies

6 terrier x puppies

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings 6 terrier x puppies

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    the d,i,d 6 are all well getting more wrigley every day,, they are so good once they fed and washed it straght bak in to there warm bed and sleep till next feed, :D


    Are these little angels now catered for or are you still looking for foster homes? What email address do I send a donation to. Not surprised at the response from the DSPCA. I have no time for them at all. What help is needed now for these little babies?


    Thats just so sad.
    I have filed out the foster forms and emailed them.
    I would be more than happy to foster one of these cuties and then adopt if possible.I work from home so thats a bonus I guess.


    we too would be interested in fostering one of these cuties with a view to adoption :D


    Absolutely disgusted at the response from the DSPCA! However, only reinforces what I have heard about them of late. Well done for taking care of the pups.


    This babies are staying in foster with Carol, they have the best chance of survival if they stay together ;) They will need food, bedding and constant vet checks. So from here on they will need loads of prayers and any small donation will help. Thanks to everyone for their help :)


    Yes DSPCA :twisted: I fostered 2 guinea babys and fostered the mama pig.I donated food and money and not as much as a thanks.
    The living conditions are a disgrace also for the small furry animal.so glad i found this site and hope to help out by fostering.


    Paws crossed ! Hope they will all be ok . Its a round the clock job so if you need a break contact Kathy she knows where we are , even if its just a week end so you can have a break and get some sleep !


    :) Just wondering how the babies are today. Seven days old now, each passing hour will make them stronger and the foster person weaker. You will get big gold stars for this one, you really will.


    The D.I.D 6 are very well crawling all over the box they sleep from 1am till 6 am which not bad, and every 3 hours during the day they wake for food and they can drink some food for the size of them :lol:
    As I work in a creche in the baby room all day I don’t seem to get a break from bottles, bums and cleaning :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: but its all great fun an I’m enjoying every bit of it :D :D the last 5 days have just flown in and Dasiy, Dora, Dee, Dolly, Dots an Domino will be running all over my house soon can’t wait :D :D :D :D


    :) I can’t wait either, what fun they will have trashing your house. Great names for lovely puppies. What a funny life you have – bottles and bottoms, you are indeed SUPER-DUPER NANNY. :lol:


    :) Dear Foster Person

    I know you are very, very, VERY busy but I was wondering how the ‘kiddie winkles’ were doing? Hope they are all OK.


    These little babies are doing great :D We went to visit them last night and they are all approx. half a kilo each :D They are wriggling little sausages and fingers x they will contine to thrive ;) Well done to Carol :D


    :D Thank you for the up-date. As for Carol, well she should be paraded on the world stage, what a star!


    Can I just add my best wishes and thanks to Carol for all her work with these little babies. It is no mean feat and HUGE credit to her that they survived at all and to think they are thriving is AMAZING!! Well, well done.

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