6 terrier x puppies

6 terrier x puppies

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings 6 terrier x puppies

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    These poor little angels were dumped in a garden last night and are only a couple of days old :( We contacted D.S.P.C.A. to ask for help, they said they would take them no problem but they would put them to sleep :evil: :evil: :evil: The lady who found them has kindly offered to foster them so please everyone pray for a miracle. If you can help in any way please pm me as they will need constant vet care, puppy milk & bedding etc.
    oct pups 591.jpg
    oct pups 592.jpg
    oct pups 593.jpg


    How can anyone be so cruel? :evil: These little babies lives were almost over before they began. Thank you to the kind fosterer and Kathy and I hope that whoever dumped these little helpless pups get what they deserve. :evil: I’ve sent 60euro through paypal. Not much but hopefully it helps and fingers crossed more people will be able to help them. Praying that these beautiful babies make it!


    those poor little puppies, ive sent a small contribution through paypal, wish i could do more to help, i really hope they make it, hang on tight little puppies your in good hands now – god loves you all ;) xxxx


    Hi every one, an update on puppys when I found them last nite they were wet and so cold and very weak. I honestly didnt think they would survive the night my self and my daughter stayed up with them all night. I had no food for such small puppys so I gave them cow an gate :roll: :roll: put them on hot water bottle and towels tried to get food in to them they were lifeless and didnt even squeal like a normal hungry pup. We were so scared to look in the box when we were going to feed in case they were gone to the bridge :( :( I rang poor kathy at 7am :D :D and as usual kathy was straght into action, got me food and bits and puppys are a lot better in themselves now they moving around feeding well squealing like a puppy should when its hungry. We have 5 girls and a tiny boy some still have their cord attached but they seem like little fighters so fingers an toes crossed :D


    Is there any chance a surrogate mother can be found? The poor little mites, I wonder what happened to the mother?? Has she just been dumped elsewhere???


    Hi I would be willing to give you hand and foster some of these puppies if it gets to much for you, I have been meaning to apply for fostering for some time, I already have one dog a 2.5 year old Bichon Frise, who is super with other dogs and children. So if you need any help let me know.


    I have just sent in an application form for fostering so if you need an hand or would like me to take some of the pups for you I would be more than willing to give you a hand or even if you would like a break for a day or two I would be willing to do that to.


    Thanks June and every one who has offerd to help, Kathy is looking after collecting bits for me so can you contact Kathy. What i have heard from the area is the mother died 2 days after having the pups and the pups were put in my garden cos they were told I would help with them. It was after 1am in the morning when they were put in garden they did bang on the door but ran so I cant prove who it was all I know is the pups are in better hands now and will get great homes thanks 2 Kathy and D.I.D , thanks again every one for your kind help and offers of help :D


    Such a sad ending for the Mother of these tiny babies. I hope they survive and get to live happy lives. I have sent a small donation via pay pal to help with funds towards their care. Thanks to Carol08 for taking the tiny puppies on, I am sure it is hard work and worrying at the best of times. Good luck and fingers crossed that this is a happy ending for all.


    hey guys, any idea how old these babies are?


    Hi, they are 5 days old today. They were born last Monday, the mother died Wednesday night and they were put in my garden late weds. night. They are doing very well, all 6 of them are putting on weight and feeding well. Dolly,,dots,,dora,,dee,,daisy,,and domino are little fighters. I have sent pics to Kathy to post.


    Little puppy dogs, you are in the care of the best team of people in the world, a great shame your poor mother wasn’t with you. Keep going, make us all happy, lots of adventures and great fun ahead of you. A tiny (really tiny) bit of praise has to go to the person who dumped you in your foster mother’s garden, they could have dumped you in a river. Really, they should have cared for you and your poor mother, sadly they didn’t! :( :( :( :(


    Have sent a donation via paypal for these little fighters. So sad about the mother but through DID her little pups will have every chance of making it. Shocked by the response from DSPCA!

    DID Rescue

    Now Indianna another six little people for you to keep a check on. :)
    You will never be short of small candidates on this site. ;)

    A very big thank you to the people who have sent on donations to help these little mites and to Carol and her family for taking on such a big


    :D You are correct as usual Twist, the ‘DID SIX’ are indeed in my sights (and heart). I hope they all make it, they have the best chance of surviving under the good care they are getting. They will be my first port of call when I log in to the DID site.

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