4 X Terrier Cross female pups

4 X Terrier Cross female pups

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings 4 X Terrier Cross female pups

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    These little beauties arrived straight from the pound yesterday (thanks Gwen!) There are full of life, love playing chassing around the kitchen and are eating for Ireland. They have had a bath as there were a wee bit stinky. Anyone interested in adopting one of these should send in their adoption form asap.

    "Hairy Mary" the only one with a fluffy coat, the rest are all smooth haired with little terrier tufts!

    One of the 2 smallest, smart and friendly loves a cuddle!

    The 2 others snuggleing up together – all together now ahhhhh!!


    They are gorgeous !! especially "hairy mary" :lol: I see they are in the Independant newspaper today :D


    Yeah – and in the metro! Famous already and still so young! :D

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