Bailey..3 year old Springer..ref. 561*HOMED*

Bailey..3 year old Springer..ref. 561*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bailey..3 year old Springer..ref. 561*HOMED*

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    Bailey is in foster with Brian ;)


    This fab little guy is gone into foster with my brother in law, Brian and I had the absolute pleasure of bringing him to college today for our grooming class!! He is the friendliest, waggiest most biddable little creature imaginable. :D :D He was very matted – especially around the ears – and quite smelly but he submitted to the brushing and clipping with ease. He enjoyed his bath (hated being blow dried, mind you) and went home to Brian, matt free and smelling divine!!! :D :D The best of it all is, though, that, for all his upheaval in the last few days, all he wanted was to be loved and petted and spoiled – it never fails to amaze me how accepting dogs are. It was clear how much more comfortable he felt with his ears cleared of matts and his coat brushed and soft. This guy will make an amazing pet for some lucky family – he is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! :D :D


    Thanks a million Susan…looking forward to photos ;)


    Bailey is the most adorable man imaginable. :D :D He is full of hugs and kisses for everyone and crawls onto any available lap for a cuddle!!! :lol: :lol: He is one of those biggies who thinks he is a chihuahua! :lol: He is very gentle and biddable with everyone he meets – loves dogs, people, big and small and he lives in a waggy tail, cup-always-half-full world. :D :D
    He has settled really well into foster with Brian. He will make a fantastic family pet for some lucky family.

    In the pics below, you can admire the groom that he got in college just before Christmas!!! ;) ;) Not bad for two rookie groomers! :lol: :lol:


    And one more. . .


    Myself and Lenny had the pleasure of bumping into Brian and Bailey on our walks yesterday. Bailey really is adorable. He came straight over to me for a cuddle such a dote and such a handsome fella well done susan on the groom his pics don’t even do him justice. Such a handsome boy. It will be a lucky family that adopt this boy :)


    We have had Bailey now Jasper for nearly 3 weeks and what a wonderful dog he is and would like to thank Brian Colgan for all the time and effort he put in while fostering Bailey as it has shown.
    We would think that he has been well trained by the previous owner as we have had little to do in training him and he a very well behaved dog and just wants to play and get his walks, we would think that he may nave been abused as he can be nervous but as every day goes by he is getting better.
    One thing we noticed is that if we leave him for any length of time when we return he crawls in on his belly not sure what this is about if anyone could comment it be welcome. :)
    We will load some pictures of him at a later stage.
    The Springer are a great family dog for anyone considering a dog but be aware they require a lot of exercise, we do two daily walks of 30 mins in the morning and 45 to 60 mins in the evening.

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