Mike is an absolute pet. He is very resilient – he is full of beans despite everything he has been through. He is an extremely affectionate little dog – he likes to snuggle In the morning he bounces with joy to see us – and I feel privileged to have him around. He is excellent on the lead – an absolute pleasure to walk. He is also really good with my cat Flynn. He would like to make friends with Flynn – but Flynn is a hardened cat who feels dogs are an inferior species. His loss.
Mike will have his buster collar on until next Monday. Despite all the sad neglect cases we see on this forum it’s really nice to report that I’m constantly stopped by people asking what happened to his eye and sympathising with him for the loss of it. The good news is so far Mike seems to be managing fine without it. Mike.jpg
Some Classic Happy Ending photos form Mike’s new life with his loving family in Dublin 8. In short they say that he is "Adored" – what a deserving little dog he is. This is how life should be for all dogs. Thanks to everyone at Dogs in Distress who made this possible for Mike. Bedtime.jpg Colin & monkey.jpg Colin Yawn.jpg Colin@dog training.jpg Cuddley Colin.jpg Naptime.jpg Night.jpg