Rudy.. Petit Bichon *HOMED*

Rudy.. Petit Bichon *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Rudy.. Petit Bichon *HOMED*

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    I picked up little Rudy this morning at Harold’s Cross. Fiona transported him from the pound with his brother. He was heart broken to be separated from his brother and friend. He told me all about it on the way home. He has quite the doggy vocabulary. Once home I had to run to the market and he slipped out when my husband opened the door. Thank heavens for the neighborhood watch and the DID charm on his collar. He was home within the hour.

    He is 10 months old and timid. He is my little shadow and is wary of my husband and our dog. We’ll see how he comes along in the next few days as he relaxes and feels safe. He is healthy but seems a little underweight. I can clearly feel his backbones. He ate his own big dinner and then finished off what our dog didn’t eat.

    Here are some photos and I will update over the next few days. He is a dote – tiny and sweet.


    This little sweetie is settling in well. First of all he is tiny. The photos make him look bigger than he is. He is a devoted lap dog :D and can’t bear to see me sitting down without his warming presence.

    Most dogs love my husband Philip, but he is nervous of him. Perhaps a male didn’t treat him so well in the past. We’ll see how he warms up in the next few days. Philip is the one taking him on walks and giving him his food, so we’ll see if that helps.

    Rauri is excellent on the lead and is already learning to sit for his treats. He is an alert, intelligent pup. He is very clean in the house so far.

    This is a dog to fall in love with. I certainly am :!:

    More photos tomorrow.


    Look at those big sad eyes! Glad to hear he is beginning to settle in the little mite, lots of cuddles from his chauffeur :D x


    hi, do you know how ruari is with cats or children yet at all? he looks very sweet. :)


    Oh he’s lovely!! How is he getting on with your other dog?


    Rudy, or as we’re calling him little Boo, is doing great. He was out of sorts yesterday but is much better today. He got a bath and is like a little lamb. It seems he already has a home lined up. He’s delighted about that, but says he hopes they have a lot of food for him. He jumps a few feet in the air when he gets his meals he gets so excited.


    Rudy is doing great, he had the op and he is recovering. He is a gentle boy who loves his food. He gets on great with my 6 dogs. A true gem xx I hate those cones…


    Rudy went off to his forever home today. He has a new doggie brother and a lovely mammy to mind him. I am so happy he has such a loving home . He is a gentle little dog with a big heart and we miss this little man already… But we are so happy he has landed on all four paws xx


    Rudy, now known as Louis, is loving his new life and has settled in and made himself very comfortable. He is besotted with his furry sister and best friend Holly and the pair are inseparable. They both love their new mammy and have her wrapped around their furry little paws!
    Louis & Holly.jpg


    Fab update…thank you :D


    My goodness Louis has landed on four paws – he looks so happy and his new sister is beautiful. I love the pictures, thank you for the date.. We are delighted to see how happy Louis is. He is a little dote and has landed a 5 star home with a lovely Mammy and sister xx

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