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    This little man is great with other dogs and would be best suited to a home with another dog…he travels well in the car and loves children ;)


    Cutie Pie … your profile picture


    Aren’t you a gorgeous little guy and don’t you know it :D :D :D I’m sure you have your foster family wrapped well around your little paw :lol:




    He is a great little man….full of fun & life…he is currently in foster with 4 other dogs…he enjoys his walks…loves travelling in the car and likes to have Company most of the time :D

    If you are interested in adopting this little man please fill in a adoption application form please…. … tion-form/


    Hi Mitchell, I can’t believe you’re still waiting for your forever home, don’t worry little friend good things come to those who wait. You are such a handsome young man with more than a passing resemblance to my good self in my youth if I may say so myself :lol:

    You are such an amazing little dog with a winning personality, we had great fun together in your foster mums. My human children loved you and you were so good with them. Be patient my friend soon you will be with your very own forever family. Love Raffi xxxx


    Hello all,

    Well the lovely Mitchell has been with us a week now and all I can say is wow, what a fantastic little dog he is :D

    This fab little man is such a quick leaner. It only took him one night to learn where his bed was, and now he is sleeping every night ,all night in his own bed.
    He is fully house trained and we have only had one accident since he arrived.
    He is great on his walks and is walking off the lead already, (not near any roads yet) He is very good on recall, I can’t believe how fast this boy is at learning things, of course a treat always helps with the teaching process. :lol:

    He loves, loves, loves to play outside in the back garden, and will play out there all day as long as the other dogs are out there with him.

    He also loves to play with his toys and loves even more to play with is fur foster brother and sister.
    Mitch would be best suited to a house where there is at least one other dog.
    He loves company and will happily spend time sitting beside his human foster brothers and they love having him with them as he is such a little cutie 8-) Mitch really settled in very well, very fast. :P

    So all in all this amazing little guy would be a perfect dog for a house with another dog, who is not too old to play with him.
    A busy house also as he loves company and loves to see who is coming and going.

    I will up date soon again.

    Mary ;)


    Hi Mitchell its lovely to see a new photo of you and to know you getting on great xx


    Mitchell, enjoying the good weather over Easter 8-) with his fur foster sister Sammie……

    But it all got too hot! :D


    Looking very good Mitchell. What a beautiful coat you have ;)


    Hi all

    Well what a busy day Mitchell had…..He had a lovely meet & greet and walk on the Curragh race course ( even if it was raining ) with Valerie, Cian and their Doggies Harvey & Coco. :D

    They all had a great time running, sniffing and weeing together :lol:
    Coco looked very cool in her lovely puffa jacket 8-) and was happier getting a hug & cuddles out of the rain. But all in all a very nice walk and a very happy, dirty but exhausted Mitchell sleep all the way home in the car :)

    Hope Harvey and Coco enjoyed meeting Mitch as much as he enjoyed meeting them! :P


    Hi Mitchell,
    hope you have recovered after yesterday :lol: ,your pictures don’t do you any justice because your even more gorgeous in real life!!,and what a great personality you have. Cian cant stop thinking or talking about you :lol: . fingers crossed all goes well today
    lots of love!!
    Cian,Valerie,Harvey and Coco!!!!! :D


    Well the bitter-sweet day that all fosters hope for and dread is here !

    The fabulous Mitchell went off to his super forever home today. :)
    Happy as can be, off he trotted with his new human brother Cian wagging his little tail, not even a second glance back, jumped into the car where his new human mammy and granny were waiting to take him for his new live with his fur brother Harvey and sister Coco.

    I have no doubt that Mitchell will be so well looked after in his forever home and might I even use the word spoilt :lol: From what I hear about all the new stuff that was bought already.

    We miss you already little Mitch, hope you a fantastic new life !

    Mary, Paul ,boys , Ody & Sammie :P


    Up date from Mitchell:

    Hi all, just want to let u know I’ve settled in very well I feel like I’ve lived here all my life I was a bit scared of the horses the first time I saw them but Harvey told me to ignore them and it’s working out grand! I’ve made a new friend Dug and we run around most of the day chasing the birds. I have Valerie,Darragh and Cian fully trained I just have to do the head tilt and their hearts melt!! They love me to bits. Love Mitch xxx


    Mitchell and Coco keeping out of the rain :lol:

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