Harley – Springer Spaniel x – HOMED…RIP

Harley – Springer Spaniel x – HOMED…RIP

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    Name: Harley

    Reference Number: 1116

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Finglas

    Date Out: 16th December 09


    Harley is quite a shy fella, I have not had the opportunity of walking him yet. Unlike some dogs who tend to give more attention to the person who isn’t walking them at the time, this guy could be more one to one. He looks nice and I have petted him a couple of times.


    I walked Harley today. He is good on the lead, very unassuming, trots along, sniffing away not very interested in interacting with the other dogs or me in fact. He is friendly though. A little unsure of me until I knelt down to his level. He is a little timid but was happy for me to pet his head. A car drove up the pound driveway and he pulled like mad towards it. Another volunteer had him out after me and said the same. It looked as though he is waiting for his owners to come get him. Break your heart. He looks a little sad and is unsure of himself. A really kind little fella, hope he isn’t overlooked


    I got a little bit of knowing attention from Harley this morning. He was not walking with me and sometimes they give more attention to the person that they are not leaded to. Afterwards he was lying out in his kennel, he had his pigs ear beside him, I expect he was keeping it for later. Very quiet placid dog.


    Hopefully Harley will find a home soon. He is such a quiet boy, he looks very down sitting in his kennel. I had him out for a walk this morning, he is great on the lead and very good with other dogs.


    Poor Harley hasn’t been well the past few days but picked up greatly today and is in really good form. He is an older chappie, approx 6-7 years young and small-medium in size, very quiet and good with other dogs. This guy really needs out to get loads of TLC and a nice groom. Please can anyone give this guy a lifeline? :cry:


    Harley is a slightly older gentleman who has been under the weather with gastroenteritis this weekend. He has received veterinary treatment and perked up considerably today. Harley has a wonderful temperament, very affectionate, gets on well with other dogs and people. He really needs to leave the Pound – if you can offer Harley a warm foster home please post here or contact Kim (Animalhelper) or Gwen (gkd).

    Many thanks.


    Harley is really a very lovable dog. As he was feeling under the weather, I sat with him for a bit and he nuzzled into me. A responsive side that I had not seen to Harley before, poor guy. He is obviously traumatized that he ended up in the pound in the first place and has lost his faith in humans. He was in much better form and health today but he does need to be somewhere warm to get back on top. I hope someone can help this lovely dog out, he has the most beautiful face and is so gentle.


    Urgent foster needed for this poor guy. He is much better but needs somewhere warm and safe until he is 100%. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    Hi,just saw this gorgeous fella is looking for a foster home,maybe i can help??From what i have read he’s ok with other dogs, any idea how he is with small children..my son is 4!Linda




    This little man is in foster with Linda :D Thanks a mil ;)


    We have the gorgoeus harley here,all cleaned up,warm and cozy. He seems to be a little under the weather but hoping lots of TLC and warmth will cheer him up :) Will put some pics up as soon as i can!


    Thank you, I am so happy that the lovely Harley is out and safe in a warm foster. I bet he is happy too.


    Happy New year to you all :D,Harley is doing great,he is the sweetest guy,so gentle and loving and has settled right in. Still not feeling 100% but eating and drinking well so hoping he will be back to himself in a few days. Have some pics but cant seem to figure out how to post them,as i said to kathy…love dogs…hate computers :lol: ,will update as soon as i can,linda

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