Re: Coby – Terrier x – ref 514 – 8yrs *HOMED*

Re: Coby – Terrier x – ref 514 – 8yrs *HOMED*

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    Cody (we’re not sure if he’s Coby or Cody so have chosen Cody) arrived yesterday, thanks to Kerry. What a little trooper this fellow is. He’s sweet, gentle, playful, mannerly, really easy to have around. No bother spending his first night in the kitchen, he settled down before we left the room.

    He came to town for breakfast this morning – yummy sausage – and enjoyed the car trip and stroll around. He loves a walk, I suspect he’s not had too much walking but we’ll soon sort that here with lots of trips to the park. He’s so good I allowed him off-lead on his first walk and he was very obedient. He enjoyed meeting other dogs, he’s already neutered so no shenanigans!

    Anyone remember Audrey in Neighbours? Well, he’s just like her, long wheaten-coloured hair, cute face. He had a shower this morning and again, no bother at all. These mature dogs are such treasures, they can be so little bother, all the training done, but are so rewarding. Unfortunately I can only keep him until next weekend, but we’ll enjoy him until then.


    Gosh Cody, you are looking smart after your shower! And very handsome in your colour coordinated bed :lol: You sound like a real catch for some lucky forever family!


    Ah lovely to see little Coby/Cody snuggled in a warm bed. Poor little oldie should not be in the pound….hopefully things are looking up now and your golden years will be the best. ;)


    Cody is an absolute treasure. In the house he is mannerly always, doesn’t beg at mealtimes, waits to be invited onto the couch, loves being petted but doesn’t pester. He’s obviously been loved and trained, he sits and does a really cute meerkat beg. He’s playful when we want him to play, loves a ball chase or tug of war, but otherwise lies in his basket. He happily potters around our long garden, comes to sit on the step and then potters off again, not at all anxious about being out on his own.

    He walks to heel and is so well behaved on the lead. On the beach or in the park, he trots steadily ahead, runs to greet any dog but comes when called.

    He’s a great little car traveller, stays in the back and just lies down when I leave him alone in the car. All in all, a wonderful little companion!


    Barbara, another little dote for you! How are you going to let this sweetheart go :(

    He is lovely and will be snapped up :)


    Cody enjoying the sunny day today and practising his tricks to while away a wet day yesterday
    Cody 002.jpg
    Cody 008.jpg


    Cody is just gorgeous – a very handsome boy!! I hope he is still available, as we are very interested…. We have submitted our application – had our home check, so now we are waiting with fingers crossed…


    We’re delighted to have the wonderful Cody back after our holidays, for which he was well minded by daughter Kate. He’s an absolute sweetheart, just the sweetest, gentlest little fellow imaginable. He’s great fun, always ready for a play or outing, but takes to his bed when nothing’s happening. I have the little legs (almost!) walked off him, and he’s a trooper, enthusiastically doing his morning park walk and then ready for more action in the afternoon. He walks off-lead, races over to meet any dog he sees, but stands quietly while the other dog inspects him, so I think he’s quite submissive.

    He’s made a hiding place for himself at the side of the house, and gets very busy burying pieces of pizza crust or other edibles left out for the birds. It’s funny to watch him trotting up and down the garden, as though he’s inspecting his land. When he’s ready to come in, he sits on the step and barks. Oh, he’s just so good and lovable, going to be very hard saying goodbye to this little treasure.


    Cute Cody is thoroughly enjoying his life here. He’s a busy little fellow – shadowing me, lots of walks, trips in the car when he waits patiently as I do errands, patrolling the garden, a spot of wrestling or chasing the ball – and he conks out after his dinner each day, deeply asleep but alert if the ‘W’ word is mentioned or the lead appears!

    ‘Ah, he’s so good’, is what’s said most often about him, and he really is a sweet little fellow. He’s a good deal smaller than he appears in photos, a Westie came over in the park and Cody was smaller and slighter. With his long, blonde, thick (but non-shedding) hair, he looks larger, especially around the shoulders – think Tasmanian Devil! He’d love a home where he’d have lots of company, not necessarily a lot of action, he’s happy to just be around people and potter about.


    Clever Cody has added guarding us to his ‘to do’ list. When anyone approaches the house he gives his funny, kinda deep but croaky bark. He’d scare any potential intruder away, provided they didn’t know it was coming from the sweetest little munchkin who’s missing his front teeth :lol:

    He must have been stressed from the pound and big change in his life as he did a bit of marking when he arrived to reassure himself that this was indeed his place. But now ………. no more, see photo!


    Little Cody is such a people-loving dog – always snuggling up next to your feet on the sofa and making new friends in the park. He loves going for walks, chasing squirrels in the leaves. He would be SUCH a good family dog, or suited to an older person because of his loving, gentle nature. He doesn’t need much upkeep, being petite and well-trained, happy to fit in with everything you do.


    Cody loves a walk in the park


    another picture of the gorgeous little Cody – a real catch for any forever home! his big, beautiful eyes sparkle with delight when it’s playtime, and look soulfully out of the window when he’s contemplating the meaning of life :D . he’s full of beans but also sooooooooo good. such a lovely little face with those big, big dark eyes and beautiful, shiny, wheat-coloured mane. he’s an absolute angel and a total heart-stealer – the softest, perfect companion and a sweet happy friend to come home to every day. just gorgeous.


    Cody was a great hit helping to open all the presents on Christmas morning. He loved his own – settled down to chew on it straight away and his favourite occupation is fetching it …. endlessly! He was as good as gold all day, lying patiently under the table while we ate and then enjoying his own turkey dinner. He worked off all those extra calories on the beach this morning and is now snoozing happily.


    Happy 2014 from Cody to all humans and dogs in DID

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