Bobby – ref 441 – Terrier X – approx 6 yrs HOMED

Bobby – ref 441 – Terrier X – approx 6 yrs HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bobby – ref 441 – Terrier X – approx 6 yrs HOMED

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    This little man is gone into foster with Rita, who will update soon ;)

    This his picture in the pound, God love him…the difference in 24 hours is amazing….


    Bobby is a Tri colour terrier male and he arrived with us today and thanks so much to Suzanna for collecting him for us. Bobby , the poor soul has been shaking nervously since he arrived with us and I dont know his history but it seems clear that he hasnt been used to too much kindness. After a good wash and a feed he is slowly finding his way around the house. He keeps looking at us in a strange fashion as if he isnt used to being a house pet and yet he is beginning to settle in.I think Bobby would make a wonderful pet as he is very gentle and just wants a little love. He is grateful for any attention you give him and has no aggression at all.
    Bobby A.JPG
    Bobby C.jpg
    Bobby D.JPG


    :) Relax young man, you are surrounded by good people. Know what it is to be petted, cared for, well fed, to be comfortable and warm – enjoy every second :D You are a lovely little chap ;)


    It was lovely to meet you Rita.
    Poor Bobby was so scared on his journey he was shaking and whining the whole way:cry: He is such a sweet natured little boy it’s so good to see him get the cuddles and comfort he deserves….he is already looking like a different dog to the one I dropped off :D


    Bobby has settled better than we thought he would. he is so easy on the lead and loves his walk with his foster buds. He is still nervous but very trusting.I really love having him around, he is just so grateful for everything.


    Bobby is coming on in leaps and bounds and has thankfully stopped shaking and crying. He sleeps all night on his blanket by the warm stove and follows us everywhere around the house. Its very difficult to describe the absolute fear he used to display when we would go to pick him up but now he is starting to trust us when we show him any kind of attention. He loves when we give him hugs and kisses and I even overheard Ultan tonight singing to him [when he thought nobody was listening !]. Its amazing how a little tlc can make such a big change. I hope Bobby finds a loving home soon as this little man deserves a chance to be part of a family. He is absolutely no bother and would make a wonderful companion. He said he is shouting for the dubs tomorrow!


    Brilliant Rita…well done & thank you… ;)


    Beautiful photos of little Bobby in his foster home. So lovely to see a nice funky collar around his neck and not a chunk of dirty rope. I think this little guys life will be all sunshine from now on. :D


    Bobby is very happy to be partt of our family. He goes for walks in the fields and he walks right behind me. Such a lovely little lad.
    Bob & Jamie 003.JPG
    Bob & Jamie 004.JPG


    What a difference a loving foster home makes. Such a difference in this little chap. That worried little face is transformed. :D Well done and thanks.


    Ah Bobby is well and truly settled in to our/his home. He is one of the gang and loves the company of the others lads.
    Bobby 1.JPG


    Bobby is just so easy around the house . I never have to look far for this little lad. He likes company.
    BB 1.jpg


    Bobby is such a gentle little lad. He is a dream around the house.He loves a bit of attention and is all on for a walk, let it be on the road or in the fields.
    12th Oct 023.JPG
    Bobby 12th Oct 004.JPG
    Bobby 12th Oct 007.JPG


    Poor little Bobby is feeling sorry for himself because he had the ‘snips’ done on Friday but thankfully he hasn’t the dreaded lampshade on. He went for a walk with Ultan down the field today but turned back on his own and arrived crying at the door. When I let him in he went straight to his blanket on the couch and went to sleep. It doesn’t seem that he is moving off the couch anytime soon! This little man would make a wonderful pet for any family and I hope he captures somones heart very soon.


    Bobby is coming on well after his little op. He is such a gentle good natured little lad.
    Moon ABC.jpg

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